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This is the Playlist You Need to Get You Through Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Finals time is without a doubt one of the most stressful times of the entire semester. It sometimes can feel like you’ve become a hermit when you’re in the library trying to study a million topics at once. Also, listening to music is difficult because it can sometimes be distracting. As always, Her Campus Hofstra has you covered! This playlist is made up of songs to listen to while studying, songs to listen to right before walking into the final, and songs to listen to afterward. 

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“Viva La Vida” by David Sides

Instrumental covers really are a blessing for studying. This beautiful instrumental cover of the iconic Coldplay song is perfect for reading when you have to stay focused, but also want to be listening to music.


“Secrets” by the Dallas String Quartet

The secret is, you’re going to absolutely kill your finals this year!


“Stand by Me (Arr. Z. Reaves for String Quartet)” by the Altius Quartet

Even as a beautiful instrumental cover, this song still reminds me that I have a great support system around me. Remember that you don’t have to completely isolate yourself for the entirety of finals season to do well, and reach out to your friends to take study breaks together! 

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“Landslide” by the Brooklyn Duo

A great study song, but it also might get you in your feels if you aren’t going to see your college friends over winter break. Honestly, this song made me almost start crying in Bits ‘n Bytes while writing an essay, so proceed with caution (and go hug your friends).


“Closing Time” by the Piano Tribute Players

After being in the library for what ended up being six hours, it’s time to call it quits for the night. Get some sleep, and get ready to take on that final tomorrow!


“Don’t Stop Me Now – Remastered” by Queen

This should be the first thing you listen to on the morning of the final. Absolutely nothing can stop you as you’re on your way to absolutely demolish this exam.

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“Waterloo” by ABBA

This exam room is about to be Waterloo after you win the war against this final.


“Pocketful of Sunshine” by Natasha Bedingfield

Don’t forget to bring your positivity and optimism into the exam room because everyone there is going to need some good vibes. Bring in good energy, and leave with even better energy.


“So Yesterday” by Hillary Duff

IT’S OVER! You studied and you did the absolute best that you could’ve, so now it’s time to let it go. This is a great song to cleanse yourself of all the weight you felt in preparing for that final.

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“Gives You Hell” by The All-American Rejects

Once you get back to your room after taking that final, it’s time to let any and all frustrations out into the air! Let LOOSE and maybe even have a dance party by yourself, anything to get all that energy out…and then go take a nap.

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And boom, then you take these five weeks to just unwind and recharge for next semester. No matter what happens, remember that you are way more than any number or letter grade, and your GPA does not define you. Don’t forget about self-care. Happy finals season, and have a relaxing and rejuvenating winter break, everyone!

Courtesy of Giphy  

Katie Pericak

Hofstra '21

Katie is a B.F.A. Theatre Arts Performance major with a Journalism minor at Hofstra University! Along with being a writer for Her Campus, Katie also enjoys crime TV shows, nutella, and naps. She is also still mourning the break-up of One Direction. If anyone knows of any good vegan restaurants anywhere, please let her know ASAP.