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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

This week I am going to be discussing an addiction of mine that has plagued me for years: YouTube. I wouldn’t necessarily say that it’s a “plague,” as it is the sole reason I know how to apply makeup, but I spend far too much time watching beauty vloggers talk about how to doll themselves up. As a result, I have seen very good videos and really awful videos. I would like to start an ongoing segment in which I review different vloggers and discuss what I like about them to let you guys in on some of my favorites. They are certainly addictive, though, so tread lightly.

The first person I’m going to talk about is Kasey of StillGLAMORUS. This vlogger is a mother, makeup artist, and the owner of her own cosmetics line. I have been following her for years and I really love the vulnerability she shows to her fans. I really admire her strength as a person and how she is so comfortable with herself. She also has a really badass haircut and tattoos now, so there’s that to look forward to.

As far as her makeup application skills, she is impeccable. She had moderate acne and oily skin just like me and her ability to cover blemishes is uncanny. She isn’t afraid to be bare-faced on camera regardless of any skin issues she may have at the time. She also does a lot of different eyeshadow looks and switches up her foundation routine frequently. A lot of YouTube beauty vloggers post the same looks over and over which gets repetitive and causes me to lose interest. Kasey loves to switch it up. She also uses  a combination of high-end, drugstore, and StillGLAMORUS cosmetics instead of exclusively using her line.

I also love her fashion videos because her body type is curvy and she isn’t afraid to wear form-fitting clothing. A lot of vloggers have very thin body types and their looks would be unflattering on girls whose bodies are not similar to them. On the other end of the spectrum, there are plus-sized vloggers who only wear loose clothing. Her style is edgy, trendy, and flattering.

The most important thing is that Kasey is relatable. I think the best YouTube vloggers should make it feel like you’re having a conversation with a friend. She is funny and real. Many people have a tendency to seem robotic on camera, but she speaks casually and with ease. The editing, lighting, and quality are also important to me in a good YouTube video and she takes all of these factors into consideration. She is definitely someone worth watching. You can find her videos at www.youtube.com/StillGLAMORUS.

Danielle is currently a Public Relations major at Hofstra University with a minor in Drama. She is passionate about poetry, politics, and all things cosmetics-related. She is originally from Los Angeles, California and though she misses the sunny weather, she is loving New York. She also has a slight addiction to caffeine and good Mexican food.
Rachel is a senior at Hofstra University where she majors in journalism with minors in fine arts photography and creative writing. The Rochester, NY native is involved in several organizations on campus including the Hofstra chapters of Ed2010 and She's the First. She is also an RA in a freshman residence hall. Rachel has interned at College Lifestyles, Cosmopolitan, The Knot Magazine, and is now interning at Us Weekly. She hopes to someday fulfill her dreams of being an editor at a magazine. Until then, she is a dreamer, a wanderlust and a lover of haikus. Follow her on Twitter for silly and sarcastic tidbits @rcrocetti!