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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

College can be a stressful environment, no matter the class standing. Whether it’s an exam, preparing for an interview, or feeling overbooked, it is easy to become overwhelmed if you do not take time to reflect on yourself and take a break from your busy lifestyle. By implementing a few self-care activities to your daily routine, you could not only improve your health and wellness, but also strengthen your time management skills and react healthier to stressors. 

One way to ensure your well-being is by drinking enough water each day. Hydration is one of the most important parts of being healthy, yet it is something that many people tend to forget as they only drink water when they feel severely dehydrated. Investing in a reusable water bottle that holds at least 32 ounces is a great way to make sure you’re hydrated throughout the day, while simultaneously being environmentally friendly. A feasible goal is to try to refill your 32 ounce bottle at least twice a day.

Another way to reduce stress during the semester is to get enough sleep. This is one of the hardest things for college students, as busy schedules and homework often result in late nights and lack of sleep. However, setting a goal to get at least seven hours of sleep each night could make days much easier. According to the Sleep Foundation, seven to nine hours of sleep is recommended for college age students. By getting a full night of sleep, your daytime productivity could increase greatly. 

Mental health is equally as important as physical health, yet often the most neglected especially if you get caught up with last minute studying or social pressures to go out every weekend. Remember to stay present and practice mindfulness in times of stress. One way to cope with stressors is to improve time management skills with a planner, organizing tasks based on time sensitivity and priority.

Another way to cope with stressors is to not let them drown you – take time for self care from watching a movie to painting your nails. Lastly, let loose and hangout with your college friends, call your friends from home, and check in with your family. Maintaining healthy relationships that you can turn to make you feel good and laugh, but also someone you can talk to and express how you are feeling not only promotes a sense of wellbeing, but also a sense of belonging and can reduce anxiety.

Overall, we must be mindful of our health amidst our busy schedules. Your health comes before anything else and must be in its best condition to be able to engage in daily activities. Take the time to invest in self-care every day, to not only recover from the day, but to be prepared for the next day.

Lucy Barr

Hofstra '26

Lucy is a sophomore at Hofstra University studying Community Health. She loves Taylor Swift, health and wellness, reading, and Gilmore Girls!
Raina Rahman

Hofstra '24

Junior first-generation community health major with a passion for writing!