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Hof-slang: Hofstra Terminology You Should Know

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Every college campus has its quirks and Hofstra University is no exception. While walking around and taking in the beautiful scenery, it is likely you will hear one or more of these terms passed between your peers. Whether you are a future member of the pride looking to get a head start on the campus lingo, or a current student who is not quite sure what exactly a “hofcat” is, this list will have you covered.

The Stu

If someone asks you to grab a bite to eat at “the stu,” they are referring to The Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center. This building is located on the north side of campus and houses the student center cafe, campus bookstore, faculty offices, meeting rooms, and much more. 


While walking throughout the academic side of campus, it is likely you might spot a furry friend scurrying through the foliage. Do not be alarmed! These little guys are “hofcats,” or cats that reside on Hofstra’s grounds. These kittens are cute, but enjoy being left alone while they wander around soaking up the sun.

The nethies

“The Nethies” refer to the group of first-year residence halls formally known as The Netherlands. These suite style dorms are located on either side of Netherlands Core, a building including a cafe as well as classrooms on the lower level. 


This term was appointed to the sky bridge that connects The Netherlands to the academic side of campus. Since there are a total of three sky bridges throughout Hofstra, each one was given a nickname in order to differentiate them. The center bridge is the one most travelled and is called the Unispan. Due to it’s frequent foot traffic, the other two bridges are named with inspiration from it.


Similar to the “netherspan,” this nickname was given to the third beloved foot bridge connecting the north and south campus. This name is derived from the fact that it is the least traveled bridge as it connects the athletic fields/arenas on either side of the university. It is rare that you will be required to use this bridge, hence the nickname.


“FUSA,” pronounced “foo-suh” is a shortened version of HofstraUSA or HofUSA, a late-night dinner style eatery located on north campus. As has been shown by the previous terms, a lot of Hofstra nicknames are simply shortened versions of the formal names! FUSA is the perfect place to grab a bite to eat when the other dining locations are closed overnight.

Anna Schultz-Chocolate Milkshake And Hand With Rings
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

There we have it, the most used terms on Hofstra University’s campus! Do not be intimidated by the fancy terminology the Pride has created, everyone was stepping onto this campus for the very first time at some point… you are just on step ahead of them now!

Haley Thompson is a freshman student at Hofstra University studying Public Relations and Strategic Communications with a minor in Drama. She is interested in everything music, fashion, beauty, pop-culture, and performing arts. Her interests are ever-expanding as she explores college life.