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HC Hofstra Valentine’s Day Survey: The Results Are In!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Happy Valentine’s day, Hofstra collegiettes!

In preparation for the candy heart and rose petal overload, we posed some questions to the Hofstra student body (both male and female) to see what they really think about one of the most commercialized holidays on our calendar. 

This survey was administered on Monday in the Student Center and after meticulous calculations (not really), the results are in! Here’s what we learned from the “HC Hofstra Valentine’s Day Survey”.

When we asked if the traditional VDay gifts such as chocolates, roses etc were “cute” or “corny”,  a whopping 70% of survey takers answered that they were “cute”. Seems like the ‘oldies but goodies’ still get the job done.

But when it comes to how much you should shell out to get those lovey-dovey gifts, the results varied. 24% of you said the price limit should be between $0-20. Another 24% said it should be from $20-40 while 28% said the limit should be between $40-60. The smallest percentage of you, 18% of you guys, said the limit should be upwards of $60.

We also broke down the holiday demographically in terms of gender. When asked if you believe VDay is more of a girl’s holiday, i.e. a holiday where only the girl in the relatonship gets presents, the answers were almost dead even. 48% said yes and 50% said no (the remaining 2% were undecided). Looks like the guys like getting the love just as much as we do.

Lastly, our open ended questions left much for interpretation.

We asked what were the best and worst Valentine’s Day presents people have recieved in the past. Some of the ‘best’ answers: great sex, a candlelit dinner, concert tickets, a puppy, a singing telegram, jewelry, handmade cards, sneakers, a custom picture frame, gift card to a massage, a mixed CD and a weekend trip to a different city. Cue the violins.

If you think those crazy-romantic answers were inventive, listen to the ‘worst’ answers: bad sex, a card with grammatical errors, a balloon, ugly jewelry, boxers, orange flowers, stationary, getting stood up and the absolute worst….nothing! :( 

What do you think of our survey results? Did you take part in the survey and have anything to add? Let us know in the comments below or tweet your response to @HCHofstra

A Boston girl living in New York, Sidney is a senior at Hofstra University double majoring in journalism and sociology. She's grown to love interviewing and feature writing after interning at  non-profits, Cosmopolitan Magazine, MTV News and the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC. She is the Campus Correspondent of HC Hofstra as well as an active member in the Hofstra Association of Black Journalists, Ed2010 Hofstra and the Society of Collegiate Journalists. She loves dancing with her on-campus team, Imani Dance Ensemble, and has an incurable addiction to shoes, Boston sports teams and Japanese barbeque. Follow Sidney on Twitter, @Sid_Madden!