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HC Hofstra Now an Official Hofstra Club!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

EXTRA EXTRA! Read all about it!

Great news, Hofstra collegiettes. The Her Campus Hofstra you love is now more than just an online magazine—its an officially registered club at Hofstra University!

Since its establishment in 2010, Her Campus Hofstra has been operating under the club umbrella of Ed2010 Hofstra, the pre-professional club for aspiring magazine mavens. Although Ed2010 Hofstra is an amazing on-campus club that we will still continue to work with at meetings and events, a higher level of interest and readership led the HC Hofstra editors to seek independent club status.

So if you love reading and/or writing our weekly articles, blogs and polls, register to be apart of the the only online magazine on Hofstra’s campus geared toward college-age women.

In addition to connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, request to join Her Campus Hofstra on Collegiate Link RIGHT NOW to be on the lookout for upcoming online giveaways (hint: there will be one this week), collaborations, and events.

If you have any questions, would like to write for us or are a member of another Hofstra club and want to collaborate, email President Sidney Madden or Vice President Rachel Crocetti for details. 

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A Boston girl living in New York, Sidney is a senior at Hofstra University double majoring in journalism and sociology. She's grown to love interviewing and feature writing after interning at  non-profits, Cosmopolitan Magazine, MTV News and the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC. She is the Campus Correspondent of HC Hofstra as well as an active member in the Hofstra Association of Black Journalists, Ed2010 Hofstra and the Society of Collegiate Journalists. She loves dancing with her on-campus team, Imani Dance Ensemble, and has an incurable addiction to shoes, Boston sports teams and Japanese barbeque. Follow Sidney on Twitter, @Sid_Madden!