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Frantz Lucien Jr. Grad Class ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.


Frantz Lucien Jr

Age: 24

Major: Rhetorical and Performance Studies (communication)

Class, Year: Graduate Student (Class of 2015)

Relationship Status: In a Relationship

Interests: Basketball, Music, Movies, History, Art, and Museums

Ideal Date: Dinner on a boat at night

Pet Peeve: Arrogance

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hopefully in two careers: A museum educator at a big museum and a recording/performing artist.

What do you look for in a girl? She has to be smart, able to hold a conversation, aspirations, family orientated and sweet

Favorite Sports Team(s)? Denver Nuggets, New York Mets, Denver Broncos, New Jersey Devils, North Carolina Tarheels

Go-To Outfit: V-Neck shirt, jeans, and loafers

Favorite Music genre/artist: Michael Jackson

Best Vacation Spot: Hawaii

Role-Model: My Mother

If you could live in any era/time period where would you live? The future

Pick-up Line: Hi, name is Frantz *flash smile*

Current sophomore at Hofstra University majoring in journalism.
Rachel is a senior at Hofstra University where she majors in journalism with minors in fine arts photography and creative writing. The Rochester, NY native is involved in several organizations on campus including the Hofstra chapters of Ed2010 and She's the First. She is also an RA in a freshman residence hall. Rachel has interned at College Lifestyles, Cosmopolitan, The Knot Magazine, and is now interning at Us Weekly. She hopes to someday fulfill her dreams of being an editor at a magazine. Until then, she is a dreamer, a wanderlust and a lover of haikus. Follow her on Twitter for silly and sarcastic tidbits @rcrocetti!