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Chairwoman of Hofstra’s Relay for Life: Katie J. Friedman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Name: Katie Jaclyn Friedman

Major/Minor: Marketing major, Fine Arts minor
Year: Junior

What are you involved with at Hofstra?
President and Founder of Hofstra University Helping Hands. I’m the chairwoman of Relay for Life at Hofstra. I’m a senator for SGA. I’m was the recipient of the HERstory award this year, which goes to a woman who dedicates her life to participating in and educating others about community service.

What made you get involved with Relay for Life?
The first time I heard about it, my aunt had just been diagnosed with brain cancer. So I started a 32 person team, not really knowing anything about Relay. After I participated in the event, I knew I wanted to be more involved and that I had to do more, so I decided to ask if I could chair the event.

How can others get involved with Relay?
You can either join an existing team or start a new team. I want to build a Relay community at Hofstra, so by telling as many people as you can about the event and getting as many people involved as possible, we can create a supportive community that will really make a difference.

How do you feel about our generation’s involvement with community service?
The coolest thing to me is that because I go to Hofstra, any time something happens the students really do act. There were those kids who committed suicide last semester and our school came together like I’d never seen. We had a candlelight vigil of over a 100 kids. When Haiti happened we had a vigil of over 100 kids. I think that things like that that are like the “it” thing that happened are a catapult for young adults to start getting involved in something, to find out what they’re passionate about. You participate in these events and you see other people being passionate and I think it opens your eyes to so much more. I think that out of these “trendy” causes comes finding your community service niche.

What are your plans for the future?
I see myself eventually opening a high-end women’s boutique. But now I would have a platform: my customers. It would be a shame to have such a circle of people and not do anything with it. I can see it now. I would have nights where the store’s closed and we do a charity fashion show. You can always do something. I’m sure I’ll always be involved in Relay. I feel like I’ll always be a community service-y person. It doesn’t just go away.

Kaitlin Cubria is a senior Public Relations major at Hofstra University, double minoring in Journalism, and Speech Communications & Rhetorical Studies. Born and raised in Staten Island, NY, Kaitlin always loved going into Manhattan on the weekends. She is a member of the Hofstra chapters of both Ed2010 and Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), the vice president of She's the First Hofstra (non-profit) and acts as a Resident Assistant for Hofstra’s Residential Programs. Outside of her academics, Kaitlin recently finished internships at Hearst Magazines Public Relations, The CW Television Network Affiliate WPIX11 in the Creative Services division AND at New York Magazine. This semester, she has her dream internship at Seventeen magazine in the Web/Features department, where she is the Blog Manager for Seventeen.com's Freshman 15 blog! She is obsessed with pop culture; if you don’t see her reading the newest issue of Seventeen, you’ll probably catch her browsing PerezHilton.com for celebrity gossip. After having a love for both creativity and writing for a majority of her life, Kaitlin is excited to continue her communications/journalism experience at Her Campus! After college, she plans on pursuing a career in either entertainment public relations or magazine journalism.