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Calling All Cupcake Lovers!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

It’s that time of year again! She’s the First*{Hofstra} is hosting its 3rd Annual Tie-Dye Cupcake Campaign.

While you’re strolling through the Student Center next week, stop by our atrium table from Monday October 28th-Friday November 1st, 9AM-5PM and take a bite out of one of these colorful treats.

Bonus: there’s no shame in Instagramming how cool your cupcake is because you’re supporting girls’ education in the process! Make sure you tag @stf_hofstra.

She’s the First*{Hofstra} became an official organization on campus here almost 4 years ago. Crazy how time flies! This year, we’ll be hosting our 3rd tie-dye cupcake bake sale.

Last year, we raised $1200 in one week by selling these mouthwatering treats, and our goal is to do it once again. We know that the Hofstra campus will be with us every step of the way to reach that number.

This year, STF*{Hofstra} has co-sponsored their bake sale with Phi Delta Theta. Some of the brothers will be seen around campus wearing these fabulous t-shirts (modeled here by me, president of STF*{Hofstra}!)

She’s the First is a non-profit organization that raises money for girls’ education in developing nations with the goal of creating first generation graduates, and next generations leaders.

STF*{Hofstra} is one of the 83 nationally recognized chapters. They were awarded Most Financially Successful for the 2012-2013 year. If you’re intersested in getting involved email: stfhofstra1@gmail.com or check out our Facebook, or Twitter.


Happy eating!

Christine Brazeau is a senior public relations major with double minors in music and global studies Hofstra! She is currently serving as the President of She's the First*{Hofstra}, and is the public relations director at 88.7 FM WRHU, and the secretary of HerCampus Hofstra. Christine is obsessed with ice cream, Macklemore, and New Hampshire. She's thrilled to be a part of HC Hofstra!
Rachel is a senior at Hofstra University where she majors in journalism with minors in fine arts photography and creative writing. The Rochester, NY native is involved in several organizations on campus including the Hofstra chapters of Ed2010 and She's the First. She is also an RA in a freshman residence hall. Rachel has interned at College Lifestyles, Cosmopolitan, The Knot Magazine, and is now interning at Us Weekly. She hopes to someday fulfill her dreams of being an editor at a magazine. Until then, she is a dreamer, a wanderlust and a lover of haikus. Follow her on Twitter for silly and sarcastic tidbits @rcrocetti!