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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Book club or not all of these books, despite the publish dates on some of them, are relevant towards your life right now. As a modern 21st century women I imagine you have goals and ambitions to conquer the world. Along with those ambitions it is important to reflect on the females before you who have suffered, those who are prompting others for financial success and also those who are fighting for modern feminism!


Grab your reading glasses and lets begin:


1.     East of Eden by John Steinbeck


This novel from the 50’s covers the complexity of romantic relationships between playing off on the ideas of sin based on the bible Book of Genesis, Cain and Abel but don’t let the title stop you, it is not as much religious as it is story telling with parallel themes. Bear with me when you see the size of this novel because it is broken up into 3 parts, which become a fast read once you’re invested. Why read it? In today’s hookup culture this book will make you feel confident in your decisions because women have been doing it longer than the 21st century!


2.     Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

If you ever told me years ago that I would end up re-reading a Russian novel from the late 1800s I would’ve probably laughed, but this book is worth it! In true fashion Anna is the unconventional woman who seeks love and lust simultaneously but the catch is her selfishness in some cases is acceptable because she was never known to follow traditional roles. This book is a friendly reminder that no matter your time period you don’t have to stick to the old school rules!


3.     The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne


Most of you know the movie starring Emma Stone but the original book version stars Hester Prynne who like many women is a victim to slut shaming and humiliation because of a mystery child with no known father. Put simply this book is a friendly reminder to combat the slut shamers and that we’ve come relatively far since publically embarrassing single mothers as adulterers!


4.     David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell


As women we are naturally placed into the underdog category. Throughout life we bare the heavy burden of trying to be looked on as equals alongside the pressure to be at the top of the success ladder. Yes this is a book written by an economist but when you take in the message of each chapter you begin to set up a mental plan as to how you can overcome any life obstacle’s, after all someone once told me that economics is just sociology with numbers!


5.     The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson


Set in Sweden, main character Lisbeth Salande assists her uncle to solve the disappearance of one of the countries wealthiest family. But throughout the book series she quickly proves to be a symbol of brains and badass-ery as she takes the lead in most investigations. This book is yet another reminder that first and foremost you will always have your brain to get you through; and a little edginess doesn’t hurt either.


6.     Rich Bitch by Nicole Lapin

Calling all my twenty-something females who are about to enter the real world whether it is an internship or a job. This book reclaims the word bitch as a term of empowerment and teaches the reader all of these savvy ways to become the head women in the workforce and most importantly how to keep her bank account rising on the way to the top. Now read and go break that glass sealing!


7.     The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan


This book is accredited for igniting the second wave of feminism in the 1960s so I suggest you brush up on all the grievances of past women so you can carry that same anger with you when it comes to combatting modern day feminism. The primary issue during that time was the suppressing roles of the housewife and in the current parallel world women are trying to create larger career equality in the household!


8.     Full Frontal Feminism by Jessica Valenti


After reading the previous book on the list you may be thinking our current feminist issues are relatively miniscule in comparison. But does that mean we should stop fighting? F*ck no! this book is all about empowerment and a reminder to readers that feminist is something we should all strive to be and it needs a revival of a following.


Enjoy your reading and hopefully by the end you’ll feel ready to take over the world!


Who runs the world? Girls!

– Queen Bey

Hofstra '17 Hofstra Chapter Vice President (December '16 - December '17) From a young age Naledi has been obsessed with all things pop culture and entertainment. Through writing for Her Campus she has been able to reach a large audience of badass collegiate women who share her crazy passions as well. Beyond Her Campus Naledi is IN LOVE with Hofstra. Her favorite part? The school of comm for allowing her to branch out and get a real dip into the real world prior to graduating. Additionally Naledi is one of those classic people who studies abroad in the spring of 2016 and won't ever stop talking about it! Her best advice? Go and see the world kids and fall in love with your major like Ali and Noah from the Notebook fell in love with each other.
Coming from a small town in Connecticut, Hailey is a recent graduate of Hofstra University. She spent her time in school working as the Campus Correspondent for the Hofstra chapter of Her Campus where she led the chapter to a pink level status every semester she oversaw the chapter. She also served as the Personnel Director for Marconi Award Winning station WRHU-FM. While holding multiple positions at Hofstra, she was a communications intern at Brooklyn Sports and Entertainment, the company that oversees Barclays Center and Nassau Veteran's Memorial Coliseum.