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Best Spots to Study On Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Thanksgiving break is long gone, classes are back in session, and we’ve made it to the last home stretch of the semester. The month of December has finally descended upon us, and as the holidays grow closer, so does finals week. The next couple weeks leading up to finals will likely be filled with a whole bunch of studying, from group review sessions, to late night cramming the day before the test. No matter what you’re studying for, you’ll need a place to do it, and we’ve rounded up the best study spots on campus for all different types of studying. 

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1. Axinn Library, 10th Floor

If you’re looking for a place to get some serious work done with zero distractions, then the 10th Floor of the library should be your go to study space. It’s a silent study floor, perfect for when you really need to focus on getting that last paper done. Not to mention, it has some great views of the New York City skyline, which will be all the more beautiful lit up during a late night cramming sesh. 


10th Floor Vibes. #Hofstra #HofViews

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2. Café on the Quad

If you’re someone who likes a little bit of background noise while they do their work, then Cafe on the Quad is the perfect place for you to study. It’s got the classic café atmosphere, and is a cozy little spot to study in between classes during the day. Grab a cup of your favorite Starbucks coffee and get to work! 


3. School of Law Library

Sometimes you need a little bit of motivation to kick yourself into a productive mood. Head over to the School of Law Library for the kind of quiet, serious atmosphere that will inspire you to channel your inner Elle Woods and ace those finals. 

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4. Axinn Library, 2nd Floor

Group study sessions are extremely helpful for those classes that confuse you even after you’ve read the book inside and out. The 2nd floor of the Axinn library is a perfect spot that you can gather up your classmates and go over all of the material before the big test. If you’re planning on doing some serious studying, you can even reserve a nice room with a whiteboard, to write down all of the important things you discuss. 


Everyone has a different study style, and you need to try out all different atmospheres to find out which one that truly works best for you. But no matter what your study style is, there’s a perfect place on campus for you to get it done. Discover your study style, pick a spot, and get to work! With enough dedication, you can make finals week a breeze, and get on with celebrating the holiday season!

Kay is an English Lit major and Journalism minor at Hofstra University. She is the instagram editor of HC Hofstra, as well as a contributing writer. When she's not geeking out over 19th century novels, Kay is a lover of red lipstick, broadway shows, and aesthetic restaurant branding.