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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

With Christmas right around the corner we only have so much time to get into the holiday spirit! Below are 6 great Christmas shows to see in New York City, especially if you’ve never seen them before.

Radio City Christmas Spectacular

Starring the Radio City Rockettes, this annual holiday musical is a must see if you’ve never seen it before. A perfect oppurtunity to embrace New York City’s holiday spirit and stop by the iconic Rockefeller Christmas Tree. Shows run for 90 minutes and usually play a few times on running day. Purchase tickets here.

A Christmas Carol – The Musical

This off-broadway production is a very family-friendly performance of the classic “A Christmas Carol.” The Players Theatre is located in Greenwich Village which offers plenty more holiday experiences in the neighborhood to check out. Purchase tickets here.

The Nutcracker 

Everyone knows the classical ballet of The Nutcracker, but if you haven’t seen it in person now is your chance. The New York City Ballet performs at the Lincoln Center every year for this great holiday show. Purchase tickets here.

Frozen: The Musical

This Broadway musical is not deemed as a christmas special, but with so much snow and ice, it’s a great watch to get into the winter season spirit. Fun for the whole family and with very talented actors and singers, you should see this one while you can. Purchase tickets here.

Unsilent Night

This one is very unusual, fun and free! A gathering in Washington Square Park to prepare for a one mile parade to be as loud and noisy as possible. Click here for more details on how to participate in this parade.

Merry Tuba Christmas 

Another free and super fun event! On this night hundreds of tuba players will gather by the Rockefeller Christmas Tree to play tons of christmas carols and other favorites. Also a great oppurtunity to visit the New York City iconic Christmas tree.

Gather some friends and family, grab some hot chocolate and make your way into the city to see some of these holiday spectactulars!

Taylor is a Senior at Hofstra University with a major in Journalism and a minor in Photography. She is from Nevada and is now having a wonderful time in New York!