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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

With the temperatures dropping, styling outfits to accommodate the weather can be very difficult. One moment it’s freezing, and the next, you’re sweating up a storm! With these tips, transitioning into the winter can be swift, easy and keep you warm and stylish during these chilly months.


Turtlenecks can provide warmth to your neck while often being a slim-fitting piece that can work perfectly under a t-shirt, tank top, or jacket!


Following the previous tip, layering is perfect for the colder months. It allows you to still wear your favorite short sleeves while remaining warm and comfortable. Just take a long sleeve or turtleneck and put it under a tank top or T-shirt. It’s super easy and can really give the look that winter chic feel.

Tights Are Your Best Friend 

Want to wear that pixie dress or skirt but are worried about the cold? Tights are an easy fix. Just add them under any dress or skirt, and they can immediately warm up any outfit.

Thick Socks 

Feet are often the main culprits of what makes the body cold. Throw on some thick socks to keep warm!


Beanies are a definite go-to for going into the winter months. They keep the head warm, which in part warms the whole body! Try to match the beanie with the outfit and experiment with different beanie styles!

Remember to always wear what keeps you happy and comfortable in these coming months! Winter can be hard, but being comfortable in what you wear can always help to turn a chilly day into a warm and happy one!

Hi! My name is Marlana Ryan and I am a sophomore music business major here at Hofstra. I love music, movies, and thrifting!