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5 Easy Last Minute Gifts for Him

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.


The holidays are quickly approaching and Christmas shopping is filling the minds of collegiates everywhere. Now it’s a week left until Christmas, holiday cheer has filled the halls everywhere and finals are among all of us. But there’s one last thing to do to wrap up the holiday, buying a gift for him. This could be dad, the brother, or the significant other, but either way the shopping is far from easy; and with only days left, it gets that much harder. These easy gifts will get you in and out of the store in minutes and give you more time to put your feet up and enjoy the wonderful holiday.


1. Clothes

This is always a safe bet, whether you pick up a pair of flannel pajama pants at Old Navy, or take a short browse through the men’s section at Macy’s, clothes are sure to win a man over. Usually they refuse to splurge on themselves when buying clothes, so splurge on them, and buy a button down from Macy’s or a sweater from Polo. This gift might take you 30 minutes to complete, but the amount of times your man will wear it will be hours. Gift giving has never been so easy when you can take such a simple idea and turn it into something he will love.


2. Mix Tape

Price: the cost of a CD, but sentimental value: priceless. Think of every song you jam out to with your man, whether it is Taylor Swift or Drake, that song sticks in your head when you think of him. So put together every song you can think of, remember why you have such an amazing bond and celebrate that through music. This gift could take you less than ten minutes, yet the value it will have to him will be worth much more than that. Remember that with this gift, you will cross his mind every time he steps into a car, or enjoys some music, and that will all come with a last-minute gift. Want to be an overachiever? Add a sweet note incorporating all of the song titles into it, he will remember that gift for years.

3. DIY Gift

We may not all be crafty, but lets be honest, Pinterest saves us even if we aren’t. Crafty or not, you have the perfect gift right at your fingertips, and the creation is left entirely up to you. Choose anything from a tool kit to a bottle filled with reasons why he is an amazing part of your life; coming from you, the gift will be perfect. Think back to the days that your mom and dad were happier with a macaroni wreath that you made at school than a gift you bought for them, and remember that gifts from the heart always succeed. He doesn’t have to know that this gift took less than 24 hours, or that you found it on pinterest, all he has to know is that you made it with love and you’re delivering it with care.

4. Date Night

This gift takes just moments of preparation, but more thought and dedication than many other last-minute things. Think of all of the things he has said he wants to do, but never gets the time to. That’s probably a lot of things, ranging from small to large, but the good news is, you can pick some of these and make his day a dream come true. Now you may not be able to take him to Disney World, but trips he has wanted to take will bring him pretty close. Choose someplace to eat, shop, watch a movie, or even just take a walk in the park and whether or not this gift was planned months in advance or just moments, he will love every minute of it.

5. Picture Collage

This is a classic go-to gift when you’re stuck, because who doesn’t like keeping memories in picture form? But try something different this time, check out Snapfish or Shutterfly and create a holiday collage, or a 2014 calendar. What man wouldn’t like to look at pictures of the people he loves every day for the next year? Add goofy pictures and serious ones too, and whatever you turn those pictures into will have him reminiscing on all the reasons why you are in his life. Gift giving isn’t always about the amount you spend, but more about the impact you make upon the person with the gift. This present is bound to bring smiles. 

I am a Freshman at Hofstra and I am currently studying Journalism. I love all things writing and reporting, as well as editing. I love sports, fashion, and music, my hope is to one day be able to write for a magazine geared towards entertainment. I love all things girl and Her Campus is my go to nightly read. Contact me at mrussell1@pride.hofstra.edu.
Rachel is a senior at Hofstra University where she majors in journalism with minors in fine arts photography and creative writing. The Rochester, NY native is involved in several organizations on campus including the Hofstra chapters of Ed2010 and She's the First. She is also an RA in a freshman residence hall. Rachel has interned at College Lifestyles, Cosmopolitan, The Knot Magazine, and is now interning at Us Weekly. She hopes to someday fulfill her dreams of being an editor at a magazine. Until then, she is a dreamer, a wanderlust and a lover of haikus. Follow her on Twitter for silly and sarcastic tidbits @rcrocetti!