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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Calling all unicorn babes! Have you ever wanted to express the magical creature that you are but not quite sure which makeup products will give you the results that you’re looking to achieve? Well you’re in luck my sparkly sisters because I have cracked the code on embracing your inner unicorn through some seriously sickening beauty essentials. Tell basic to back it up, because these looks were formulated by the makeup gods with implied intent of upmost badass-ery from each and every wearer. 

-Too Faced La Crème Lipstick in Unicorn Tears

Did I just die and go to unicorn heaven or did Too Faced really just release a lip product that lets me flaunt my My Little Pony goddess to absolute perfection? Yas girls they did and she is called Unicorn tears, although the only tears that this little unicorn is crying are tears of delight.

La Crème Lipstick, Unicorn Tears $22

-Jeffree Star’s Liquid Lipstick Collection

Leave it to a MySpace icon to create a liquid lipstick line so to die for that it makes Crayola want to shit it’s pants and quit the game. This gender bending, makeup chameleon proves that he can be ahead of the curve in more ways than one with a lipstick collection that is out of stock more than it’s in stock. Star offers lip colors for every kind of unicorn imaginable, whether you’re a sassy Malibu Barbie unicorn with his shade, Prom Queen, a brooding, I watch horror movies while flicking my lady bean unicorn, with Bruised, or if you’re more of a Lisa Frank, I eat, shit, and exude my essence in Brooklyn kind of unicorn, with his shade Breakfast at Tiffanies, there is a lippy for every unicorn hunty.

Velour Liquid Lipsticks $18 each


-Benefit “Watt’s Up” Highlighter

Ever worried that your inner stardust won’t shine bright enough among the identity apocalypse that is the trend, bitches that contour to the death but throw highlighting out the window? Well you should never let these trends dull your rainbow horn because there is nothing wrong with adding to your already opalescent unicorn essence with a touch of highlight. And who better to take from than the Watt’s Up highlight Kweens themselves, unicorn-approved cosmetic company, Benefit. Benefit’s highlighter has never been much of a secret, among either unicorns or bae-sikx alike, but just because everyone has jumped on the bandwagon doesn’t mean that their illuminator has lost any of it’s sparkle magic.

Watt’s Up Highlighter $30

-Sugarpill’s Elektrocute Pigments

In a world ridden with subpar matte neutrals, it can be difficult to find shadow bright enough to truly make a 180-degree difference. Luckily, there is a saving grace for neon-rave babies looking for loose pigment that will change their lives. Unicornos, let me introduce you to Sugarpill’s light-brite inspired Elektrocute pigments, or as I like to call them, EDM for your lids. This vegan and cruelty-free makeup brand has long been a staple for sparkle ponies and shimmery showgirls and the Elekrocutes are the perfect transition look to take your look from campus to clown-couture.

Elektrocute Pigments $16 each

-Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil

Tired of reapply the same tired black kohl liner? Looking to take your eyes from mall girl to Betsey Johnson realness? Well then my pastel pixies, let me tell you about my friend, Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil. She’s sweet, petite, and comes in 10 trillion exciting neon hues (alright more like 38) and glides smoothly onto your eyes like a unicorn over a rainbow. Whether you want to ease into magical makeup with subtle plums and orchids or go full on Tokidoki with their toxicly bright neons, you’ll sure to look like a mega-babe straight off of Heatherette runway.

Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil $20

Studying Abroad in Firenze, Italy. Current Vice President and Blog Mentor of Her Campus Hofstra. Contributing Writer and Intern at Inked Magazine. A writer of all things body modification, beards, veganism, and feminism related.
Coming from a small town in Connecticut, Hailey is a recent graduate of Hofstra University. She spent her time in school working as the Campus Correspondent for the Hofstra chapter of Her Campus where she led the chapter to a pink level status every semester she oversaw the chapter. She also served as the Personnel Director for Marconi Award Winning station WRHU-FM. While holding multiple positions at Hofstra, she was a communications intern at Brooklyn Sports and Entertainment, the company that oversees Barclays Center and Nassau Veteran's Memorial Coliseum.