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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Autumn is here again! This means lighting candles, curling under blankets, leaves changing into stunning colors and other nice, cozy things. But we also have the common concerns about the sudden darkness, the weather getting cold and how this all affects our mood. Seasonal depression is a real thing here in Finland and this is exactly the time when we try our best not to let our moods drop completely. Staying in a good mood during this time is harder for some than others: some survive this period almost without any changes and others go through much harder times. However, everyone has their own way of getting a mood boost and bringing positivity in their lives. Here are my tips, a few very simple ways to get the mood up!

Smile every day

Make sure you find yourself smiling and laughing every day. This is such a simple thing but has a super positive impact on your mood. Smiling releases endorphins and dopamine in your brain and helps reduce stress. So go ahead and smile, even to strangers in the streets, and spread the joy. They might think that you are a bit weird but who cares, do it for the endorphins!


When thinking of the gloomy autumn, dancing might not be the first thing to think of trying to avoid seasonal depression. But it actually works. Dancing is such a perfect way to get your energy up and blood flowing. Put on your favorite music and just go for it, dance like nobody is watching. Just five minutes a day might have a really positive effect on your day. Everyone can dance but if you think you cannot, at least it will make you laugh. :)

Give yourself a break from everything

During autumn, life can get pretty hectic with studies, work and busy weekends. Even though it might feel like there is simply not enough hours in a day, it is so important to allow yourself a chance to relax. Despite the constant stress and lack of time, think of something you really love to do and just give yourself a permission to do it.

Be spontaneous

Decide to do something totally different today. It can be a very small thing, such as changing a simple routine. Another good idea is to give someone a compliment, a friend or a total stranger. It is surprising how good it makes you feel so see someone genuinely happy with your words. Definitely a mood booster!

Do not stress about having a bad mood

Remember that after all, it is perfectly allowed to be low and sad sometimes. Give yourself a permit to have a bad day every once in a while, it will help you to process the feelings and eventually move on.

In the end, adding some positivity in everyday life can actually be very simple. It only takes small things, which you would not even think of having a positive effect on your life. The bottom line is to listen to your inner self and allow yourself to do lots of enjoyable things. 

Happy and positive autumn everyone!

Jenna Kirkkari

Helsinki '20

A student of English at the University of Helsinki. Interests include languages, different cultures, music and healthy life. Life goals include happiness, kindness and endless learning about the world and people. Second home: Zambia.
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