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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

If you’re into second-hand shopping, whether it’s for clothes, shoes, stuff for your home, films or books, Stockholm has some great shops that are definitely worth checking out! My sister took me to the district of Södermalm to scour through the clothing racks of five different second-hand shops mainly on the street called Hornsgatan, so the shops were conveniently close to each other. And if you don’t have Swedish crowns in cash, no problem! You can pay by card in all of them.

How to get there

An easy way to get there is by taking the metro to either Slussen or Zinkensdamm. We got off at Slussen and headed to Hornsgatan from there. If you klick on this link you can see on a map where the shops are located (plus a wonderful liquorice shop on the same street): https://www.mapcustomizer.com/map/Hornsgatan%20shops

The Shops

Here are the shops we visited, with links to their websites (some of them are only available in Swedish). There may be more of the same shops elsewhere in Stockholm, so if you want to go on a proper second-hand shopping spree, do check out where you can find them!

Röda Korset, Hornsgatan 54

This shop mainly sells clothes and is fairly small, but I’ve made some pretty good finds there. This time I found a couple of dresses for about 8e each.


Stadsmissionens second hand, Hornsgatan 58

In this large second-hand shop you can find clothes, shoes, bags, books, films, toys, even furniture, and a lot of stuff for the home (for example plenty of kitchen stuff).


Myrorna, Hornsgatan 96

This shop is on two floors; all men’s clothes are downstairs, where there are also some useful (or just nice) things for the home. All the clothes upstairs are women’s clothes, and you can access the upper floor through a narrow staircase. This time I found a simple blue evening gown-ish dress for about 6e – with a student card, you usually get a 10% discount!


Judits, Hornsgatan 75

I didn’t actually go to Judits this time, because most of the clothes are a little out of my price range. But if you’re into brands, you can make good finds! The clothes here are more expensive than clothes usually are in second-hand shops because the shop has more expensive brands in their selection.


Beyond Retro, Brännkyrkagatan 82

Coming from Slussen, you will find this shop when you turn right on the street called Ringvägen. The selection of clothes is big, varied and generally very vintage – especially the old dresses at the back of the shop are worth seeing, even if you aren’t planning on buying any. The clothes here are quite expensive for a second-hand shop, but you can find some pretty cool stuff.


Extra: Lakritsroten, Hornsgatan 45

If you’re a friend of liquorice (salty liquorice is life), do check out this wonderful candy shop!


Helsinki Contributor