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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

As promised, here is the second installment of Meet the Editors (first part of Meet the Editors can be found here): this time Aino, Lyra and Satu will tell you a bit about themselves. Maybe – hopefully – later on some of you lovely readers will end up in our Meet the Editors articles! But let’s continue with the current team for now:

Editor and Social Media Director Aino: I’m Aino, a 21-year-old English major from Helsinki University. I just started my second year of university and still can’t quite believe how fast freshman year passed by! Besides English, I’ve been dabbling in Chinese and gender studies and I’m pretty excited about both.

I love writing, travelling, and social media and would love to find a job somehow related to those when I eventually graduate. For now though, I’m happy just, well, writing, travelling and poodling around social media – and of course enjoying the student life that Helsinki University offers.

Editor Lyra: I’m a 24-year-old English major who grew up reading Harry Potter and Agatha Christie and reading has remained one of my favourite pastimes, along with eating – I’m always on the hunt for new books to read and new recipes to try out. One of my biggest weaknesses is procrastination, so fingers crossed that I’ll be able to finish my MA by this time next year!

Last spring I went on an exchange programme to Hong Kong and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made; sometimes when I concentrate really hard I can still smell Hong Kong’s delicious street food and hear the ocean waves crashing against the shore near my dormitory. Now that autumn has arrived in Finland, I can’t help but long for that tropical weather and those long lazy days at the beach again…

Editor Satu: I’m Satu, an English Philology major from Helsinki. Even though I was born 21 years ago, I’m just a big kid, really. I’m usually working on at least a dozen projects, one of which is writing for Her Campus Helsinki. It’s been a lot of fun!

My favourite past time is going to the movies by myself or watching and reading all sorts of film reviews in my pillow fort. I especially love the gory stuff…Other things I love are napping with my parents’ minpins (they’re like half cat, half tiny dobermann) and meeting friends over a cup of tea or some epic boardgame.

An English philology major with a passion for reading and writing. I also like photography and wish I was better at it. If you're a fan of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Charmed or Buffy, we already have something in common.
Passionate about social media, food and travel. Former Editor-in-Chief of HC at Helsinki.
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Lyra Li


A perpetual dreamer searching for new adventures, more crime novels to read and the determination to become a minimalist.