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Her Campus Helsinki Bake/Book Sale Madness!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Our team organized a book and bake sale in honor of the International Women’s Day (on 8th of March) and the turnout was even better than we ever could have hoped. We had already beforehand split our four-hour shift into two, so that no one wold have to dedicate the entire day for the sale.

Our first customer arrived within the first five minutes, which set the tone for the rest of the day. Lots of people came either to buy food or books, or just to say hi. Even the teachers got excited about our overflowing table of goodies.

We sold used books from every genre imaginable, and both in Finnish and in English. There was something for everyone – even our team members nabbed a book or two.

Anna, Lyra, and Aino all did a great job helping out yours truly, and we all had a blast. At the end of the day we had sold most of our books and a lotof the baked goods, although there were some leftovers for the teachers (since they genereously tolerated our constant coffee-brewing in their lounge/kitchen).

We even had macarons – fancy, right?! Hopefully our next bake sale (whenever it may be) will prove to be just as successful as this one!

An English philology major with a passion for reading and writing. I also like photography and wish I was better at it. If you're a fan of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Charmed or Buffy, we already have something in common.