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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

So, it’s back to school again for us hardworking students. Not much has changed since last semester: first weeks tend to go running around the libraries tracking down all the required reading for the new courses and after that we spend most of our time studying or partying.

One significant change is the name of the Kaisaniemi metro station – the closest station to the city center campus – which is now officially called University of Helsinki, yay! Hopefully soon we will witness the change also in the text that is shown in the metro when arriving to a station.

Probably most of us have already bought new and fabulous calendars for the new year: I recommend the Faber and Faber Poetry Diary 2015 to all the fellow English majors (and why not others as well!) because it has some great poetry for every month. It’s available in Akateeminen Kirjakauppa.

Another sign of the new semester is the increased coffee intake, which is what carries many of us through the lectures and the library study sessions.

An English philology major with a passion for reading and writing. I also like photography and wish I was better at it. If you're a fan of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Charmed or Buffy, we already have something in common.