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7 Simple Finals Study Tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

The dreaded finals are approaching again, and we could all use some study tips right about now. There are few simple things everyone can do to stay motivated and help them in keeping on track with their work load.

1. Write down all your deadlines! There’s nothing more important than remembering the due dates for all your assignments, so be sure to mark them down and prioritize based on the difficulty of the project and the time required for it.

2. Reward yourself after every chapter you read. Nothing keeps you motivated like rewards: you can allow yourself 30 minutes of Netflix or one piece of candy – whatever works for you. Afterward, you’ll be more energized to read more and you know you’ll have another reward waiting for you.

3. Color code your notes. Some people remember colors more effectively, and it’ll help you when you revise your notes and can focus on the most important things.

4. Write notes while you read – it helps you memorize the content more easily, because you have to actively think about the main points and write them down.

5. Get some fresh air. In fact, if the weather is nice enough – go outside to read! The still air in the library doesn’t exactly get your creative juices flowing and help you remember the reading material.

6. Don’t leave everything to the last minute! This is very difficult to achieve, at least for some of us. But try to pay attention to the time you’ll actually need to get that five from your essay. Most likely, you’ll require more than the night before. You can make a schedule for the weeks prior to your deadline and have allotted times for e.g. one session of reading, one session of writing an essay, etc. This way you’ll end up working on different things for an hour or two per day, and won’t get as bored as you might focusing on one major project for days.

7. Eat and sleep well. It’s an old advice but it works every time. When you’re tired, your brain doesn’t absorb the information very well so you might notice that you forgot everything you read right away. So, rather than wasting your precious time, sleep more and, as a result, work more effeciently when you’re awake. Also, remember to eat properly to keep your energy levels up.

Good luck on your finals!

An English philology major with a passion for reading and writing. I also like photography and wish I was better at it. If you're a fan of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Charmed or Buffy, we already have something in common.