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7 Signs You’re Getting Really Comfortable Around Each Other

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Whether it’s a close friend or your significant other, your relationships usually follow the same pattern: at first you’re considerate and somewhat reserved, but once you’re accustomed to someone’s company, all that’s out of the window. Here’s a list of seven signs that prove you are as thick as thieves.

1. You can be your gross self in front of them

Being human means having bad morning breath, leg hair and pimples. In public it’s just good manners to hide your bodily functions and look presentable, but pretending to be a perfect robot 24/7 would be exhausting. When you’re close to someone, you don’t mind burping in front of them and won’t freak out if they see your overgrown toenails. So you fell asleep during a movie marathon and slobbered all over the couch? So what. You just don’t care anymore and neither does your friend.

2. There are no boundaries when it comes to food

Someone once said that the definition of home is “a place where you can eat anything from the fridge without asking permission.” You know your guest feels comfortable around you when they systematically munch their way through your kitchen. You may not want to share your food, but your friend is going to take a bite of your hamburger anyway. Because you ate their chips first.

3. You find their stuff in your apartment. Technically, half of your stuff is actually theirs

Another sign of home is having your own toothbrush there (it’s great to be close with someone, but sharing-a-toothbrush-close is a definite no-no!)Your buddy leaves random items behind (Ever heard yourself going “Oh, I didn’t know I had an ice cube tray”?), and you can’t find your favourite shoes because you left them at their place. When you know you’ll be spending a lot of your time somewhere, it’s easier to have your sleepover kit there waiting for you. With that special someone it’s like practising living together.

4. You sing as if you were alone

Remember that episode of HIMYM where Marshall sings about everything he does? Or that one scene in Friends where Richard tells Monica which song he’s going to sing in the shower?Singing or humming is one of those things that come naturally when you’re in a good mood, but unless you’re Beyoncé, you might prefer not to have an audience. You certainly don’t want to scare that guy you just met with your made-up jazz number while you wash the dishes, so you smother your inner diva. Your bestie, however, knows this side of you and every chore becomes a duet with her.

5. You talk to each other in weird voices

Because why not? You don’t need to impress anyone at this point. And let’s face it, you’re both weirdos.

6. You call each other weird and offensive names

Especially in romantic relationships, you know you have taken it to the next level when ”Good night baby cakes!” turns into: ”See you tomorrow, turd!”When your conversations become less polite and more vulgar, you know you have become very intimate with each other. You have that subtle knowing of what is off limits and what you both consider funny. Outsiders might not share your sense of humour: if your mother overheard you talking on the phone with your BFF, she would assume you had a row.

7. Words are not needed.

When you’re getting to know someone, long pauses in conversations can be awkward and you blabber on just to fill those silences and hope that what you say makes sense. Once you become more relaxed in each other’s company you don’t need to chit-chat constantly to keep it interesting. And once you get really close, you don’t even need words to know what the other one is thinking.



Helsinki Contributor