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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Get a Calendar

This is such a simple one, yet its importance cannot be stressed enough. Get a calendar. It doesn’t matter if it’s an online one or an oldschool book. Then figure out a way to use it; consider trying time-blocking, journaling or lists. Different things work for different people.

Don’t Overschedule

It can be tempting to do all sorts of extracurricular projects on top of that job on top of that other job on top of your studies… But you need to draw a line somewhere. Really think about what matters and what needs to go. Overworking leads to both you being less organised and more exhausted.

Figure Out What Works for You

Ask yourself why you need to be more organised and what would help you reach that goal. Set smaller goals to get started and try different techniques. Don’t hesitate to change tactics if something doesn’t work.



Helsinki Contributor
An English major, Campus Correspondent, feminist and aspiring literary scholar.