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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

Dear younger me,

There are so many things I want to tell you, but if I told you it all, it would spoil the beautiful surprise life is. Life has so many ups and downs, but remember you always make it through. 

Enjoy life. Live in the moment. Remember when mom and dad used to say time goes by more quickly the older you get, and you just brushed them off. They were right, it’s true. Things will change, and you will change too, so enjoy where you are in life.

This life is yours, so make it your own. You do a great job at making decisions for yourself and feeling good about it, so don’t ever stray away from that. Always trust your gut, you know what’s best for you. No one else. 

Embrace all experiences, even the ones that aren’t so good. Don’t mull over those bad experiences ― learn from them. Don’t waste your time on what-ifs. When you don’t focus on the present or things you can’t change from the past, you miss out on the now. Be present.

Be exactly who you are, no matter what anyone says. Accept yourself because it’s who you are supposed to be. You’ll be happier and you’ve become even better with age. 

Soak up every moment with the ones you love. Life is fragile and it’s important you enjoy the beautiful times you have with those you love.

Don’t worry so much about what people think of you. Find those who do appreciate you for who you are and don’t live to please others. 

Please, don’t be afraid to ask for help.


Your future self

Averi Burud

Hawaii '22

Avid surfer & current student studying Sustainability at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.