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5 Scariest Movies of Halloween

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

Now if you are anything like me, October can be a pretty difficult month to get through. While the parties, costumes, and guilt free candy binges are incredible, the scary movies on television make it near impossible to get some sleep. Whether they are mentally frightening, or horribly bloody, here are our top 5 scary movies that are shown during October.

1.) Stephen King’s, It (1900)

This movie has never failed to terrify everybody that has come into contact with it. Growing up, so many of my friends were scared of gutters because we had this idea that a clown lived in there! A twisted and psychological thriller, It was nightmare fuel before I even knew what that was. I am also 99% sure that coulrophobia (the specific fear of clowns) can be traced back to 1990’s Pennywise the Clown. The clown craze going on in America today sure does not help…

2.) A Haunting in Connecticut (2009)

What makes this movie even more terrifying, is that it is supposed to be based on a real life story. Nothing says scary like finding out ghosts and demons are basically living in the room next to your own. This movie takes viewers on a roller coaster as we try to uncover the horrors of a house and its past. Whatever you do, do not peel back the wallpaper…

3.) Sinister (2012)

Just when you thought the Boogie Man was a thing of the past, he makes a reappearance. Now we are older to understand that it is fake, but does that stop him from being scary? No way. His ability to manipulate children is what makes him frightening, but now that we are older, are we really safer?

4.) Don’t Breathe (2016)

A very recent choice, this movie might actually still be in theaters near you. Nothing is as it seems when Alex and Money get their kicks from ripping off rich people. One of their victims turns out to have a special ability, and once they enter his home, they are no longer safe. A horror and psychological thriller packed into an hour and thirty minutes, could you handle it?

5.) Insidious (2010)

This one may have mixed reviews. Some people thought this was a terrifying movie (let’s not forget the Darth Maul demon lookalike), and others thought that this was child’s play. But hear me out: whichever movie you decided to begin on (keep in mind, there are four movies), there is a limbo that characters are stuck in, doomed to eternally be just out of reach from safety and the love of their family. Did I get you? Okay, how about this: there is a demon constantly looking for your soul, even if you travel to other dimensions. Yeah, this movie can take a number and be listed on ‘Things That I Probably Could Not Have Seen and Been Fine.’


Watch if you dare! Have a great week, Collegiettes! 


21 // UHM // writer & bibliophile