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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

Harvard Square, and the immediate surrounding area, is home to many shops and restaurants, including a few sex shops. One such shop has made a real splash, as unlike other sex stores it’s not trying to hide anything; in fact the storefront boasts large windows and an interior that mimics an apple store instead of an underground adult entertainment shop from some cheesy 90’s movie. 

The difference, appearance wise, between the stores has got me thinking about the effects that sex shop appearances can have on both public perception and on female comfort. Until recently, pretty much around the time I started writing this article, I found the concept of entering a sex store to be embarrassing; I certainly didn’t want to enter a store with lots of windows that would allow the world to see me, after all, what would people think! But really, what would people think? Why is it okay, and common knowledge, that guys will go out and buy porn, but not okay that females should go out and buy supplies as well? What is that divide telling females about their sexuality aside from the fact that once again males are allowed to be sexual but females are shunned for expressing their desires.

Sex toys aside, branching out and stepping into the new local sex store taught me that sex stores really are not just about kinky toys and self pleasure tools, even if fifty shades of grey will lead you to believe that. Instead they house a wealth of information both sex related and sexual orientation related. Not only are the employees at these stores extremely knowledgeable and considerate, the employees and companies themselves are also are HUGE supporters of LGBTQ rights, which I think is just pure awesome! In fact, I learned from one employee that most sex stores, no matter what they look like from the outside, will have a wide selection of novels that cover topics ranging from self help books on how to come out to your family, to 100 sex positions to keep your relationship alive.

             –A few examples of book titles you may find in store–

All in all, my sex store experience was not what I expected. Sure it was a little awkward in the beginning, but once I got over the whole “what will people think if they see me in here” garbage and started asking questions I learned that sexuality is something that is just part of human nature and these stores are here to help you whether you’re a man, woman, or anything in between, outside, or just plain unsure.


Canadian born and raised aspiring lawyer living in Cambridge and studying at Harvard. I am a Netflix enthusiast and an avid reader who enjoys long naps, cupcakes (who doesn't), and puppies!
harvard contributor