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The Process of Picking Classes in Gifs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.



1. You can’t find any classes that you want to take.




2. Wait, nevermind, you can’t find any classes that you don’t want to take.




3. Now you don’t even know which of these classes to shop because they’re all at the exact same time.




4. Widdle down the choices using Q scores. Now you know exactly what you’re taking.




5. Get half way through the week without lotterying into any of the classes you shopped. Panic and add ten random classes to your shopping cart.




6. Find the perfect four classes just in the nick of time.



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Audrey Thorne

Harvard '19

Audrey is a Senior in Pforzheimer house. She likes writing, adventure, Tatte, and doing things ironically it's no longer ironic. She's also Co-Campus Coordinator of the Her Campus Harvard branch.