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10 Buzzworthy Classes at Harvard

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

Although I haven’t even been here for a full semester, I know a thing or two. Especially about classes. The great thing about Harvard is that everyone here is so excited about learning, so conversations about classes aren’t necessarily complaints (unless you have 3 p-sets due in the next two hours, then that’s just a struggle) but more like passionate discussions. So here’s what I’ve learned thus far about the courses that all the cool kids are talking about.

1.     Math 55: Hands down, the hardest math class at Harvard. You have to be the next Einstein to get a passing grade in this class. Then again, you have to be the next Einstein to even get into the class. Which most definitely explains why I’m not in it.

2.     CS-50: One of the largest classes at Harvard with a lecture of over 800 students. I haven’t taken it, but I heard it’s the class that makes everyone want to concentrate in Computer Science. That is, until they get to CS-51. Just kidding. Maybe.

3.     Stat 110: Another hard class that I have no intention of taking. These are for the Applied Math and Statistics people, so kudos to them for understanding probability theory and all that fun stuff.

4.     Math 21a: I was in this class for a full two weeks, and I’m pretty proud of myself for lasting that long without failing out. Okay, it’s not actually that bad of a class, and it serves as a requirement for cool courses down the road. So yeah, check it out.

5.     Ec10: Another one of the largest classes at Harvard. The professor is famous and won a Nobel Prize. One of my friends, who also transferred to Harvard this year, took the equivalent of Ec10 at his school and the textbook he used was written by the professor here. It’s casual.  

6.     Expos 20: Okay, so disclaimer – I never actually took this class while it’s required for all freshmen. #TransferPerks. But I’m thinking maybe it’s not so much a perk because everyone I talked to said it’s a great conversation starter when meeting new people. #NoNewFriends

7.     Stat 100: Basically the infant sibling of Stat 110, this class isn’t bad because it actually makes sense. Memorize the formulas, do the (occasional) reading, and you’ll be fine. Also, I switched into this class after being in Stat 104 (which is actually really cool and 10/10 would recommend) because of the whole Math 21a swap.

8.     LS 1a: The course that all the pre-meds take. Read: not me. Apparently it’s a really good class, since it combines high school biology and chemistry, so if you have a strong background in both, you’ll do great (again, not me).

9.     USW 50: This is about American education from grades K through 12, and it’s so popular you need to lottery for a spot in it. Apparently it’s worth the stress, but I do know a few people who have been trying to get in since their first semester here and have been unsuccessful. But hey, let’s be optimistic, shall we?

10. SCIPHUNV 27: Okay, this class is “consent required,” and I’m not really sure what that means, but I should probably talk to the department in charge ASAP because the course’s official title is “Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science.” How cool is that? Maybe this is the stepping-stone I need to get my own show on the Cooking Channel.


Harvard '18
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