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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Time after time again, we find ourselves scrolling down our timelines and other news outlets, only to uncover someone covering a viral video or picture, of some caucasian stepping into the wild winds of racism and the bold perpetuation of stereotypes and blatant disrespect for those outside of their own culture.

So this story I am sure, will raise no “shock factor” within your being.

Last week, a white female Old Dominion were University student (ODU), who of course, is remaining unnamed, was circulating around media platforms in a video where she was not only “rapping” about how all Black people do is “collect welfare, get on section 8, and have babies”, as well as many other disparaging dictations, but did this all wearing both an ODU sweatshirt and towel thrown over her head in some scenes, as well as a trump mask and “My President is White Again” t-shirt in others.  

The Caucasian female in the video also made it a point to put out a cigarette on a piece of paper where “Black Lives Matter” is written, and wave around a gun…(Because we guess that’s a Black thing?”

Now whether or not this young caucasian woman will truly be punished by the content in her video, is of now, unknown. But what can be understood, is that we are far past the limit of enough being, enough.

We’re getting tired of having to even cover stories like these. In 2017, is very irritating to have to repeat the same circle of events that occurs every time an ignorant PWI student decides to post something disgustingly displaying their disdain for another culture, get caught, clean it was for humor and that they meant no harm, and then too many times return to their same old schedules.

We’re tired of y’all acting like you don’t know. Stop it. Cut it, so that news stories like this stop being news.

"Nothing more dangerous than a beautiful woman who is focused and unimpressed."