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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Cuffing season has come upon us and with it, relationships are being discussed all around town. The question arises again: “Who should have more money in the relationship – the male or female?” In this article, I’ll offer the female perspective on who should be the “breadwinner” in the relationship, but I’ll also give you a male’s point of view. Writer Jaylen Jordan, a freshman Broadcast Journalism major at Hampton University, will help us decide who should be securing the bag. 


My man got me but I got me too #BOSSCHIC


Personally, I do not care if I make more money than my man. When it comes down to specific number digits, however, I plan on marrying a man on the same boss level as myself. Hypothetically speaking, I make around $100,000.00 annually and my partner made $60,000.00. I wouldn’t go looking for a man with a bigger bag simply based off of that. Now, if my man is walking around acting like he’s running stuff and does not make me happy he can take his $60,000.00 and go because I would have to humble him real quick. As long as he is contributing to the household and handling business just as much as I am, the numbers don’t make a difference. The zeroes don’t bother me – as long as I am not financially stressing about taking care of all of the bills and handling everything by myself. 


The traditional structure (where the man is the breadwinner) is not an idea that I am opposed to. I mean, what lady does not want to be taken care of? However, if we both bring something to the table, we’re both going to eat so the specific number does not bother me.

 Perspective Switch: Jaylen Jordan Hampton


When I first read this question, I honestly thought there wasn’t going to be any argument. But as I really thought about it, my perspective quickly changed. Now, as a man, we are typically the ones to be the breadwinners of the household and that’s just a known fact since America’s birth. But the world, our society, and our beliefs have changed. Now women are able to get those “breadwinner” jobs and opportunities which allow them to be the main contributor when it comes to money in the relationship. This is a change for us because we just don’t typically see this happen so often. 


Wearing the Pants

Now me personally, I don’t care who’s making more money because I know two great incomes is better than one. So if my woman making more than me, then I know we stacking racks in the bank. The argument comes in when we discuss how men want to provide and be in charge of our households. As we grow up our father or father figures, uncles, etc. show us what it means to be a man and what responsibilities come with that role. We’ve been taught how to wear the pants in the relationship and that is what we like to do. All men really need and want is a woman who chases her goals, would make a great mother, and can cook great meals.   

 Whether or not the bag is being secured by the female or the male, as long as it is being secured, the couple will eat.


Deja Dodson

Hampton U '23

Member of Her Campus Hampton U Chapter. I am a freshman Psychology major currently studying at the illustrious Hampton University. Subscribe to my youtube channel: Deja D, and check out my personal self love and motivational blog on Instagram: @Dejadailydose.