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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.


Everyone knows the anticipation that New Years brings. The excitement breeds from plans of a fresh start, new resolutions, lessons learned from the past, and a newfound sense of hope to create a better future. Many times that “better future” includes cutting off old habits and old people. So who should you leave behind in 2019?


In this beautiful, new year, you should NOT bring in any toxic relationships! Whether it’s that ex of yours who just keeps happening to pop up, an old fling throwing your game off, or even that old aunt that isn’t comfortable unless she throws shade at Thanksgiving dinner– leave them behind! Stepping into this new year, unnecessary negative energy is a big NO NO! Terrible communication, passive aggressiveness, and demeaning criticism are all warning signs of a toxic relationship. So if someone continually made you experience any toxicity in 2019, 2020 has no room for them! 

You know that one friend you have that talks the most? The same one that usually doesn’t have much to say when you accomplish something? If someone came to mind when you read that, be happy that they are terrible at showing fake love. You should plan to no longer know this person in 2020. If you’re putting your best foot forward to be great this year, you’re going to be accomplishing a lot, and it would be a terrible thing to be a first hand witness of your friend becoming mute. This year is going to be fruitful and prosperous! Translation: unsupportive friends are unwelcome! Practically everyone on social media has seen Miss Nigeria, Nyekachi Douglas, go viral for her reaction to Miss Jamaica, Toni-Ann Singh, being crowned Miss World. That is the only energy we will be accepting from friends this year (and giving out!)! It is important to note that you shouldn’t ever have to ask your friends to be supportive. Real friends will always be genuinely excited to see you win! Surrounding yourself with a circle of real companions this year will not only encourage you, but it will also elevate you to new heights!  There are 3 specific individuals that we all collectively MUST leave behind in 2019. Everyone has these three sitting very snuggly in their lives– but no longer! Do you know of hesitation, self-doubt and your comfort zone? 2020 has personally said herself that these three are not invited! This year is the start of a new decade, and we will be starting it off right! Hesitation, self-doubt, and your comfort zone all  continuously work together to hold you back! You are capable of anything you put your mind to, and the proof is in all of those who have come before you. Even if what you want to accomplish this year is unheard of, do not stop for anyone– especially not for these three devils on your shoulder. Step outside your comfort zone, and chase your dreams! Work on an idea that you always thought of, take classes and go to workshops for your passion; take bold chances! Regret is bigger than your fear of failure! Everyone has to start somewhere, so don’t be afraid to start this year! 


After you successfully remove these people from your life, you will be unstoppable in 2020. There’s no limit to what you can go and achieve without these figures behind your back! You’re ready to walk all over 2020, you’re gonna kill it!


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Jordyn Edwards is a graduating senior at the illustrious Hampton University studying strategic communications with an emphasis in liberal studies. Jordyn creates for others while being deeply motivated for her passion of storytelling and helping women find their voices.