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Twerk No More

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.


Twerking has been in the news for months now since Miley Cyrus decided to show her more rebellious side to the public. For many students at Hampton University, twerking is nothing new. we’ve used the term well since our high school years and have even performed the dance move. However, when a school seminar for the new freshman about technology and internet responsibility mentions that “Hampton Ladies Do Not Twerk!!” or that “Hampton Men Do Not Take Twerkers Home to Mother”, then that is when questions arise.

On August 28 approximately at 4pm, is when I received a picture of the slideshow from this freshman technology seminar in a GroupMe with my friends. Minutes later, I watched the same picture go viral before my eyes. On every social network I have, I saw the picture of the infamous PowerPoint slide. My twitter feed was filled with students upset that the university would try to make a so-called ban on twerking. Thinking that Tumblr would be a safe ground to escape the twerking madness that had hit Hampton University, I was completely wrong. Once again I was faced with the same photo I have seen numerous times in a matter of minutes.

When polled about the incident, most students did not care about the incident while others disagreed with what the university’s actions. Since the incident, Hampton University has released a statement stating that they did not ban the dance move but instead used the term to grasp attention in the seminar.

Now that a few weeks have past and classes are starting to pick up, Hamptonians have forgotten about this incident and are more concerned  about homecoming week. Regardless, according to Jay Z, “somewhere in America Miley Cyrus is still twerking.” 

photo credit: www.ryanseacrest.com