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Recovering After Homecoming

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

With homecoming quickly approaching everyone is scrambling trying to figure out what they are going to wear, what events they are going to attend, and how lit they are going to be. However, there is a downside. At the end of the day all of the excitement must come to an end and to top it all off, midterms are literally the week after homecoming. Here are 5 tips on how to make a smooth transition from kickbacks and turn ups back to your daily routine.

  1. Plan to do work ahead of time. This step should be done before the week of homecoming. This will allow you to get majority of your work and studying done before the turn up. Though it may add to your current workload, it will pay off in the end.

  2. Get up and go to class. During the week of homecoming many people tend to skip and miss classes. Truth is that after homecoming is over the academic year isn’t and your grades will definitely reflect your decisions. So make sure you set your alarm, grab an energy drink, and make it to class.

  3. Get your body healthy. After the partying, bonfires and screaming Lil Uzi lyrics, you’re bound to be feeling a bit under the weather after that week. One of the most important steps to feeling better is to make sure you are treating your body right. Detoxing is one of the most essential steps in cleansing your body and getting back to your normal self. So grab so lemon water, put it in your favorite exercise bottle and detox!

  4. Find a great study area. It’s really hard trying to get back in the swing of things after a long carefree week. The library will be packed the week of midterms so find somewhere creative to study and get you mind back on your academics. Try the waterfront or maybe even Buckroe Beach. Wherever you decide, make sure it is nice and quiet so that you can stay focused.

  5. Manage your time wisely. Now if you skipped step one you’re bound to have a pile of work after homecoming week and on top of that, midterms. Don’t worry, you will still have time to save yourself. Prioritizing your time will definitely be essential at this time. Motivate yourself to complete that 5-page paper before you go out with your friends. Or maybe complete that assignment on blackboard before 11:59.


Homecoming is a time for creating memories and having fun but remember what is important. Regardless of how you decide to spend your 168 hours, don’t forget to squeeze in a little study time and you should be just fine!