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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Taking L’s is a not-so-fun part of life. They teach us the lesson we need to learn, so we won’t make the same mistakes over and over… and over again. Yet, some of us never learn. We just keep taking the L’s which leaves us feeling hopeless. No L November is not only about learning your lesson, but why you keep taking L’s in the first place!

For those who don’t know, taking an L is slang for failure or taking a loss. There are only two ways to classify the factors of why we take L’s which are things in our control or things out of our control. Honestly, most of the things that seem out of our control are actually in our control.

Things we can not control includes your environment, family/other people’s actions, sexual orientation and race/ethnicity. Although we cannot change these things, we can not become a victim of our circumstances. If one door closes, we have to learn how accept this fact and keep trying to find one that’s open. If we can not find a way then we must make a way. If the environment is toxic, save money or find resources to leave. Family or other people are getting in the way of our goals? Either put up with it until we have means to move away or find a friend you can stay with. That may seem drastic but, sometimes family can be more of a hindrance rather than help. We can’t allow ourselves to fall victim to someone else’s toxic ways because it’s our lives. We can’t control others actions we can only control what we do. As far as race and sexual orientation goes, it is a seemingly never ending battle that we all are fighting. The only thing you can do is find opportunities that doesn’t involve prejudice and continue to fight for your rights. Through all of these ordeal that may serve as obstacles for us we can also come together because of them. There are many support groups and resources out there for people who may be struggling with these things. The most important thing is to adapt to and overcome the obstacles in life.

If the reason why you keep taking L’s is not one of the reasons above, then you’re the problem. At this point it’s self sabotage. You need to recognize your own faults and stop rationalizing your own toxic behavior. People want to think of themselves as flawless (or at least the best version of themselves) which is fine because it’s completely natural. However, when you are unrealistic in your reasoning why everything is going left in your life that is a problem. Sometimes people are so delusional they dismiss what went wrong the last time they made a mistake and do the same thing again. Your bad habits may be so ingrained in you to the point where you do them you don’t even notice. Some of these habits may include laziness, poor self-control, poor time-management, and quitting. Although your negative qualities cannot be changed overnight, as long as you work towards being a better you there should be positive results!

Overall, there’s always gonna be L’s to take because as people we never stop growing. We’re  human and we all make mistakes but, we must learn from the mistake we have made in order to succeed. If we strive to make ourselves better everyday and learn how to be able to handle the curve balls life throws at us No L November can last a lifetime.  

Bernadette is a third year Biology Pre-Med major from Baltimore, Maryland. She aspires to be a physiatrist.
creator.writer.blogger.journalist.sushi enthusiast. Victoria has been obsessed with writing since the days of journals and sneaking to read books under the covers. Her passion shows through each word that she carefully places into sentences, providing an experience that is nothing short of poetic and powerful. Read more of her work on her blog, quintessentiallyspeakingblog.wordpress.com