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Know Your Worth 2017

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Hey Girl,


There’s something magical about watching the clock strike 12, on New Year’s Eve, knowing you have a new set of 365 days to spur a change, try new things or stay the same. Whether or not you abide by the cliché, “New year, new me,” there is one important thing to keep in mind with you throughout this fresh batch of 12 months- know your worth.

Worth is defined as the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued. Understanding one’s value can help you configure healthy situations, relationships and career paths. In order to be seen as valuable, you have to believe yourself to be of value. Although it is easy to get caught up in Twitter followers and IG likes, value is found from within. Individuality, confidence and plain out what you bring to the table.  Trust me, if all you have to bring to the table is followers and likes, there won’t be much room for you around it.

We all have worth. We were created with specially curated paths, talents and interests. So for Pete’s sake, stop comparing yourself to the next girl! Trust me your dream internship will come around, the right guy will sweep you off of your feet, or whatever it is you’re waiting for, it is going to happen. But before it does, you must focus on what you have to contribute in order for you to be the best you when the time comes.

Don’t sell yourself short either boo. You have to do whatever it takes in order for your future to be as fruitful as you’ve dreamed it to be. If it requires an extra hour of studying to get an A, do it. Work hard now, so you won’t have to later. Second guessing ourselves is one of the easiest thing to do especially if we have been discouraged. Set backs, rejections and disappoints are all a part of the road to success; however, a woman who understands her worth doesn’t let anything stop her from reaching her goals.

Imagine you are at a fork in the road. To the right, there is a road that is paved, appears safe, and has a lot of people already walking it. This is road for the followers and the quitter. A road for those who are less ambitious and who are too scared to forge a new path, or endure a harder journey.  That is a road that leads to a life of mediocrity. But to your left the left there is a dirt road, a lot of bumps, potholes with shantytowns lined alongside it. This is the road less traveled. It has road signs that read, “Roadwork ahead,” and promises a better road in a few miles. But in order for smooth sailing you have to endure harder conditions. Take the road less traveled. It may be harder, it may be uglier, darker and even scarier than the others- however, it is the most rewarding.

Remember, #KnowYourWorth2017, because you’re better than that.  



A friend.

Her Campus contributing writer @ the Real HU |Hampton University'18