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Wellness > Health

How I Stayed Fit During Quarantine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Lockdown has been very tough for us and it has changed our lives drastically. Staying at home and being away from friends has been very tough for me, but I managed to find a schedule to keep me busy during the day. I am going to share with you how I stayed on track with these activities and managed to adhere it after the quarantine


Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is very important and it is a fundamental role in mental health. I tried to avoid going to bed late and I have not eaten or drunk anything besides water at least 3 or 4 hours before bed. It worked for me, but you should decide yourself when it comes to eating. It is proven that you get the best night sleep on the empty stomach, because your body doesn’t have to be bothered with digestion and it can just relax.

Maintaining a Healthy Diet

In quarantine I spent a lot of time researching and reading, which triggered my mind into going vegan. I tried for a day, but I realized that I am still not in that mental state to stick to that lifestyle. Because of that, I decided to mix my food options focusing more on the clean and healthy side. I would also treat myself a couple of times a week because I have a sweet tooth. I found a regime and I stuck to it, so that helped me maintain a healthy gut and I kind of realized which foods are the best for my body. 


One thing I would not believe I would be doing this early in my life was cooking. I tried to bake at least once a week and all of my family members loved it. It kept me busy and I also got the chance to experiment. I baked the best chocolate chip cookies ever, and the secret is to put lemon zest. Try it; even though quarantine is over now, cooking can be a great activity for the whole family.


I always liked to run and before college I would try to run at least 6 days a week. But being a student athlete and incorporating other types of exercises in my daily routine has slowly loosened my running habit. In quarantine, I decided to bring that back and I started to run everyday for 30 min. I love running so much and it is sort of a meditation to me. I like to think when I run and I feel like it’s just me and the world. It is scientifically proven that when you jog, your body releases hormones called endorphins that help lift your spirit and make you feel positive about yourself. So basically, something like active meditation. Don’t push yourself if your conditioning is not very good; run as long as you can and try to be conscious. Trust me, you will feel good.


I am not going to spend time explaining to you why you should do yoga. Yoga is absolutely the best type of exercise to decrease stress and encourage relaxation. It is relaxing, anti-inflammatory, reduces pain, and fights depression. It helps you get in touch with yourself and your body. 

After the lockdown, I tried to incorporate most of these activities in my daily life. I realized that I have become much healthier and more satisfied with my body. It is vital that we all take care of our emotional and physical health during these times and doing it so we are nourishing our soul, mind and body. 


Currently a junior at Hampton University majoring in Marketing. When I am not playing college volleyball, you can find me in bed watching newest makeup tutorials and eating Chipotle.
I have the privilege to serve as Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus Hampton U Chapter a second year! I am a graduating Senior, Strategic Communications major, Marketing minor currently studying at the illustrious Hampton University. I am from Richmond, VA (shoutout to the 804!). In addition to classes, I run my own creative agency, Tiana Nichelle Marketing where I specialize in social media management, content creation, public relations, and branding. My love for the PR and Communications industry is the reason my ultimate goal is to become a celebrity publicist in the upcoming years! Her Campus Hampton U is an organization that is near and dear to me and I am so happy to be a leader of this ELITE chapter!