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8 Dating Games to Stop Playing in Your Twenties

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

At this stage in your life there is no reason for you to be playing games when it comes to dating. It only gives you stress and brings you nothing but unhappiness. It is time we grow up. Here are eight dating games you should stop playing in your twenties:

1. Making up excuses instead of just telling him you’re not into him

If a guy expresses interest in you, and you don’t like him back, you can feel like you’re stuck in a difficult situation with no way out. You don’t want to lead him on and you also don’t want to hurt his feelings. The best way to solve this problem is to simply talk to him about it. During this conversation, you need to be perfectly honest with him about the way you feel. The truth will set you free and in the end he will be thankful that you told him instead of leading him on.

2. Pretending you’re in the best relationship when you’re not

Maybe you’ve only ever been with this person and you don’t know how to not be in a relationship with anyone else. This just shows that you are settling for less than what you deserve. Maybe you are afraid of being single. I can assure you that being single comes with its benefits. If you are unhappy, just admit it. Then, proceed to breakup with the guy.

3. Acting like you’re okay with his foolishness when you’re really not

Honesty is crucial in dating. If you aren’t feeling the relationship, let him know. If he isn’t giving you the title you want and is playing around, let him know that. If you feel pressured, suffocated or want a little space, let him know. If something is bothering you about the relationship, talk to him about it. No lies and no mind games. No one wants to feel like they’re five years old. Mind games can have that effect on you.

4. Worrying about texting him first

If you want to text him-just text him. It’s as simple as that. Stop with this idea that he always has to text you first every single time. Take the initiative, girl. However, along with that, don’t feel like you must text him first all the time.

5. Reading way too much into his texts

He probably didn’t mean anything by his “hey” text other than “hey.” Stop trying to decipher every single text and think that there is some deeper meaning to everything. The truth is that sometimes a text is just a text and you shouldn’t waste your energy looking for hidden messages that just aren’t there. It’s not that deep, love.

6. Liking your ex’s Instagram Pictures from 14 weeks ago

Many women find it difficult to move on from an ex, but if you are clinging on to old news then you prevent yourself from starting fresh. It’s going to suck for a little while not being able to see his face or contact him in any way, but time heals all. Your ex is your ex for a reason. He is in the past girl. Stop creeping on his IG page. Let that man go.

7. Sending texts that your BFF helped you write

Your friends shouldn’t be helping you write your texts or even co-write them. These conversations between you and him should remain private.

8. Trying to make your ex jealous

Let’s be real, your ex does not care anymore. So, why are you trying to make him jealous?  No good can come from this. You can’t expect to rebuild a friendship with your ex if you used something as negative as jealousy to get their attention. 

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Hampton U

Lauren Hendricks is a Junior, Journalism major at Hampton University. When she's not busy studying, serving as a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Hampton U or staying involved on Hampton's campus, she can be found at a local Starbucks, mall or on her yoga mat. Lauren is enthusiastic about community service and telling stories. Check here for blog posts and updates.