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7 Beautiful Reasons to Date Outside of your Race

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

All throughout your life you’ve heard that diversity is beneficial in a classroom setting, how important it is in the workplace, but have you ever considered the beauty of dating interracially? Speaking from experience, all of my ex’s and I came from different racial backgrounds. From personal experiences as well as observing other interracial relationships, I have learned that there are so many beautiful things about interracial couples! Below, I have listed some of my favorites:

1. Embracing Each Other’s Culture

One beautiful thing about interracial dating is that you are both willing to experience each other’s culture. This could mean trying new foods, listening to new music, or getting acquainted with customs and traditions that might be foreign to you. If you are in an interracial relationship and your significant other has family in another country, you might get the opportunity to visit an entire new world. People from two very different backgrounds can bring so much adventure and curiosity to a relationship.

2. The Language of Love

Another great part of being in an interracial relationship is the possibility of being exposed to a new language. While dating someone who’s bilingual won’t make you fluent, you might be inspired to learn a language for yourself so that you and your partner can communicate together. Or, you can simply enjoy the way they sound when they talk. I don’t know about you, but there’s just something about an accent that is swoon worthy!

3. Being Open-minded

Interracial couples have to be incredibly open-minded about each other’s beliefs in order to be able to function properly. Couples of different racial or cultural backgrounds can have different values or religions. Westerners tend to be more individualistic and self-oriented while Eastern cultures are more collective and group-oriented. Interracial couples learn to balance these kinds of differences and to also balance each other.

4. Bravery

Sometimes in interracial relationships, it takes a great amount of bravery to go beyond what is familiar to you. It can be extremely difficult when your family, friends, community or society in general don’t understand your relationship. I admire couples that are willing to sacrifice what is important to them or reject their families’ opinions in order to be with each other. It takes so much courage and strength. Being committed to your partner as well as remaining committed to your culture is truly admirable.

5. Love Isn’t Skin Deep

While I do believe that interracial couples physically look beautiful together, partners of different races or ethnicities look beyond outward appearance. If you are in an interracial relationship, odds are you appreciate people of different backgrounds and have no desire to discriminate.

6. Compromise

Like any other relationship, interracial couples have the beautiful opportunity to learn how to compromise with the person they love and care about. Compromise is important in any relationship, but extremely prominent in an interracial relationship. You might worship differently, see history in a different light, or understand the world in entirely contrasting ways. It’s really helpful to meet your partner halfway and be open to listening to their opinions and thoughts in a positive way. Your significant other should do the same for you.

7. Well-rounded Children

Babies with parents of two different races or cultures can grow up to be well rounded! They will be exposed to different traditions, might celebrate different holidays, and may also grow up speaking two different languages! Also, if you remember anything from biology, genetic diversity is a plus!

Ultimately, its about time that people start to accept that interracial couples are nothing more than two individuals who choose to be together for the same reason as any two people of the same race would. They may face unique obstacles based on their respective races, but this type of relationship must be seen for what it is-love. With that being said, I recommend you date outside of your race at least once, it could be one of the most incredible things you do. 

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Hampton U

Lauren Hendricks is a Junior, Journalism major at Hampton University. When she's not busy studying, serving as a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Hampton U or staying involved on Hampton's campus, she can be found at a local Starbucks, mall or on her yoga mat. Lauren is enthusiastic about community service and telling stories. Check here for blog posts and updates.