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5 Summer Jobs to Consider

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.


March is here and spring semester is already half-way finished which means summer is almost here! Can you believe it? Summertime means warm to hot weather, barbeques, beaches, and relaxation. However, you should use this time to make some money. As college students, we all know the struggle of having to call mom and dad for money every other week. Here are some jobs to consider while on summer break:



These are extremely important. Most universities require that you have an internship in order to graduate. Though all internships aren’t paid internships, it wouldn’t hurt to have the experience. Upon graduating, when looking to work in your field employers are looking for what internships and experience you have obtained while earning your undergraduate degree. 



Jobs in retail are so easy to find. There are retail stores everywhere such as Forever21, Walmart and Target, even your local grocery store. Most applications are online, some provide paper applications, and others such as Claire’s only ask for a resume or cover letter. Retail may seem like such an easy job, but be prepared to be on your feet for at least 8 hours. You may be folding clothes, assisting customers make transactions, restocking.


3.Waiter/Waitress or Host/Hostess

Just take orders and deliver the food to the table, right? No, that’s not all. Being a waiter or waitress allows you to interact with many people on a daily basis. This is a great way to meet new people and to learn how to network. Also, not only do you get paid hourly but you also collect tips at the end of the night. Or another great job in the same environment is a host or hostess. Again, being a host or hostess is a great way to network, because you’re meeting new people on a daily basis. The only difference is your job is to greet and seat customers which gives you little time to interact. Psst… (in a whisper) elevator pitch.



This is a great task for someone who has a car (and a license of course) and enjoys driving. It’s like a taxi service, except through an app. All you have to do is pick up and drive passengers to their desired destination. These type of jobs are more beneficial especially around college campuses, high schools, and cities such as New York City or Washington D.C. The best part about it is that you make your own schedule so you are able to work on your own time. Unfortunately, you must be at least 21 for this specific job.





Though it’s off the books, babysitting is an easy way to make money. You post ads up in your local neighborhood or even call up family members with small children. You’re also able to I’m sure they’d love to have you watch their children. 

Socorro Kenoly is a senior, Strategic Communication major in Hampton University's Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications. Socorro is a proud Hamptonian hailing from Atlanta, Georgia.