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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamline chapter.

It’s too cold to play ball, too dangerous to go outside… As I write, I am stuck inside as a blizzard rampages outside. Gusts of wind up to 50 mph are battering the trees and whipping the snow into near white out conditions. January in Minnesota is a wonderful thing, but when snow decides to hit, be prepared to hunker down. If you’re stuck inside like me, here are some things to keep you occupied during a big storm. 


It’s simple! Pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read, grab a blanket, put on the fire and curl up. Before you know it, you’ll have been transported into a world that might not have snow and the afternoon will fly by. 

Watch a movie or two:

Pick out a classic or something you’ve never seen, pop some popcorn or grab other snacks and press play. Bonus points if you can grab a buddy and make it a party. If you don’t want to watch a movie but still feel like lounging, this would be a good excuse to binge that show you’ve been meaning to watch. 

Play games:

If a friend can safely navigate to your house and you don’t feel like watching a movie, pick out a board game and get playing. If you have all afternoon, grab some chips and salsa and sit down for a game of monopoly. Puzzles are also a good way to make the time fly by. 


If it’s safe to leave the house, some major shoveling will need to be done. If you’ve been using the bad weather as an excuse to eat junk food and lounge around the house, this is the perfect way to get your exercice. Bonus points if you help your neighbors shovel as well, and don’t forget to clear a path to the mailbox. By the time you’re done, you’ll have worked up an appetite. 


If the weather is still too bad to leave the house, but lounging around doesn’t appeal to you, take the opportunity to deep clean your house. Wash your sheets, clean the floors, organize your closet. Even if you only get one thing done, you’ll feel accomplished. 


Maybe you’ve been pushing back those essays you need to write for your travel abroad application, or need to finish rewriting that chapter you’ve been meaning to work on. Whatever it is you need to finish, sit down and do it. You can even do it while sitting on the couch with a movie on in the background. 

Whatever the situation outside, I hope this gives you some ideas on how to pass your time. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take advantage of the lull and do some shoveling.


Lauren Stretar is a student at Hamline University studying creative writing and sociology. She has two poems published.
Madelaine Formica is nineteen. She is the Campus Correspondent for the Hamline HerCampus Chapter. She's been published for her scripts on jaBlog and for a short story in Realms YA magazine. She's also a senior reporter for The Oracle and a literary editor for Fulcrum literary magazine.