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Things You Should (and Should NOT) Share with Your Relatives at Thanksgiving Dinner

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.


Things You Should (and Should NOT) Share with Your Relatives at Thanksgiving Dinner


1.     DO tell your relatives what classes you are taking this semester and how you feel about them.  Having an idea of what you are doing on a daily basis while at school helps your relatives feel closer to you and more a part of your life.

2.     DON’T mention all those all-nighters you pulled because you forgot you had assignments due or exams…Or because you would rather party with friends than study.  The last thing you need during your break is a lecture about the importance of academics.

3.     DO share what your thoughts for the summer are with family members.  Even if you don’t have a clue what you want to study, all of your relatives are a part of your network of contacts.  They might know someone who knows someone in your particular field of interest—or maybe someone in your family could actually get you an awesome summer internship! Take advantage of these opportunities to convince your family members you are worth the investment.

4.     DON’T roll your ideas whenever someone asks what your major is/will be. If you don’t know, mention disciplines you are interested in rather than suggesting that you haven’t put any thought into it at all.

5.     DO give your family members an idea of what you do at school when you aren’t in class.  Do some name-dropping—who are your closest friends at school? Are you involved in any extracurricular activities? These small details give your family insight into your life away from home.

6.     DON’T tell you relatives about your friends’ drama.  OK, so it might be really funny to you that Jenny is always getting sexiled by her roommate or that Lisa is so ridiculous when she gets drunk.  These stories, though hilarious at first, might make your family members question what drama you get into…

7.     DO ask your relatives what their college experience was like.  Though it seems like ages ago, your relatives’ years in college might have taught them significant life lessons…And their stories will show a side of your relatives you probably aren’t used to!

8.     DON’T act like you are better than your relatives because of where you go to school. School pride is one thing, academic success is one thing. No matter where you go, however, arrogance is NEVER ok!

9.     DO assure your relatives that you’re happy at school.

10.  DON’T act like you don’t miss your family when you’re away!

Kaitlin is an English and Art History double-major at Hamilton College.