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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

I literally cannot wait for fall break. Sure, I will miss my friends and the constant fall foliage at a 360 degree view, but I am pretty sure my body needs a break from Commons. Oh, and the distinct lack of homework is a plus as well.

To all you freshmen, don’t worry, your friends won’t disappear over fall break, they will be back right where you left them. In the mean time, relish in a few nights of roommate-free sleeping and your family’s home-cooked meals. You might just find out that your mother’s lasagna isn’t as sh*tty as you remembered it. And your siblings might be slightly endearing, at least for your first 5 minutes at home.

So here is your fall break to-do list, just a little reminder of the things you might be forgetting:

1.     SLEEP. I mean you do the math of how many hours of sleep you have gotten in the last two weeks because of midterms, papers and partying….the number is probably frighteningly low. For the first time, your parents will probably just let you stay in your bed for 24 hours because their poor little college student needs to catch up on some Zzzz’s…

2.     EAT/STOCKPILE. Home cooked meals have never tasted so good before! I swear, there actually is such thing as tasting love in food. And it tastes delicious. On that note, anything that can be brought back to campus, take it. Your snacking habits have gone up exponentially since you’ve gone to college and it is time to clean out the family pantry to fuel your hungry belly.

3.     SHOP. No longer is Target your only option! We all know you have been making a mental list of new items you want, now is the time to get them. Don’t forget all of those ridiculous theme parties! Going through old Halloween costumes will probably help satisfy your need for anything themed. The wackier, the better. Also, word to the wise: don’t forget an ugly sweater!

4.     GET BEAUTIFUL. I mean, you all are already beautiful but you can squeeze in a manicure or pedicure/get your nasty split ends removed. We will see you back on campus looking fresh-faced and ready to take the rest of the semester by storm.

And if you are staying on campus, no worries!!! Now is the time to explore campus when there aren’t all those pesky people around and you don’t have the weight of the world in homework on your shoulders! Take a walk into town (believe me, you can make it into a day trip) or a stroll into cow country. Go to the cider mill without a ridiculously long line. Run around campus partially clothed, just because you can (oh wait, you do that anyway). And when your friends come back to campus, eat all their food (but don’t tell them I told you to).

See you in a week, Hamilton!

Katherine is currently a sophomore at Hamilton College. She loves her school, penguins, dancing and is always down for a good adventure.