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How To Stay Organized Before Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

It’s that time of the year again–when the days are colder, the nights are longer, and the smell of pumpkin spiced lattes is filling the air. The holiday season is just around the corner, but before we can all pack up our suitcases and head home for that oh so long-awaited winter break, we have to cross one more bridge before we can actually book the next ride home.

And that bridge would be: finals.

Ah, finals–the bane of every college student’s existence. We’ve all been there: the sleepless nights, the overconsumption of caffeine, and the contemplation of whether or not we’re going to make it to graduation. Yes, we all know what it’s like to suddenly feel like the past four months have crept up behind us, but believe it or not, there are ways to avoid those future anxiety attacks.

The most important thing to remember before finals is to stay organized. It may seem like a daunting task, but trust me, those tests will have nothing on you if you just keep these tips in mind:


Cross it out.

    Make a list of everything that you’re supposed to do. The list may seem like it goes on for miles and miles, but crossing things out feels good. Plus, it lets you see which assignments need more work and where your priorities should be.


    Speaking of priorities, we all have them…but not everything you need to do before finals deserves the same amount of time and effort. If you’ve aced every assignment in one class (big pat on your back for that), then you can devote more of your time to classes you may have struggled in during the semester. Some subjects you know like the back of your hand while other subjects make it difficult for you to wrap your head around the fundamentals. Focus more on classes that you might’ve missed some readings for and don’t forget about the classes you might’ve missed because you just couldn’t get up in the morning.

Pace yourself.

    It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Even if there are a lot of things to cross off on that to-do list, doing a little at a time will not only save you from stressing out from work overload, but it’ll also save you from cramming the night before your exams. Dividing up your work can help make you feel like finishing that list is do-able (which it totally is).


Never forget that you are a fully-functioning human being, not a robot. You need sleep. You need food. Real food, too, not a bunch of snickers bars and red bulls. You need to move around a bit and avoid sitting at your desk for 23/24 hours of your day. You need to breathe. By keeping your body healthy, you’ll help keep your mind healthy, too. You can do this.