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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gustavus chapter.

This is one of those articles you hope your mom doesn’t read.

Yeah, I procrastinate sometimes. For example, I’m procrastinating right now, I’m writing this instead of working on my essay. Sometimes you just get writer’s block. Anyway, today I’m going to teach you how to procrastinate productively because we are all human and procrastinate, but we should all be more productive while we do it.

In case you haven’t heard this term (It’s one of my favorites), productive procrastination is simply putting off doing an important task by doing something else that is also relatively useful.   

For me, productive procrastination comes in the three H’s: Home, Health, and Homework.

“Home” can be anything that relates to cleaning or bettering your living space. I usually clean my room, organize my things, or do laundry. All of which are very necessary. These are usually good things to do when you have writer’s block because it allows you to move around a bit and focus on a different task for a while. This is my most common form of productive procrastination.

“Health” This is a much wider category. I was just really trying to go for all H’s. Health can include your physical health, so working out or just going for a walk can be a good way to take a break from homework or debrief after class. Exercise can relieve stress and improve memory so this is an excellent way to procrastinate. Another aspect of “Health” is your mental health. Going out to see friends or chatting with someone you miss is a part of this. Listening to music, meditating, or showering are other ways to clear your head.

“Homework” This means working on all the homework you don’t absolutely dread doing first. Sometimes I work a couple days ahead if I have a reading assignment in order to put off a larger writing assignment. It’s still productive and you don’t have to worry about it later. Another thing to include under “Homework” is any type of form that you might have to fill out. Job applications, surveys, your resume, or any other miscellaneous form. These aren’t fun to work on anyway, but it’s better than homework.

Don’t be ashamed of your procrastination. Just remember if you do find yourself procrastinating, be responsible and at least get something done.