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5 Tips For A Better Nights Sleep

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gustavus chapter.

Arianna Huffington recently released a book titled The Revolution of Sleep which emphasizes the history of sleep, the importance of sleep, the industry revolving around sleep, and the benefits of sleep, among other topics. Clearly sleep is important, but sometimes it’s not that easy. With the constant flow of caffeine through our veins, noisy neighbors and thin walls, and jam-packed schedules, falling asleep can be hard.

But don’t worry- Her Campus Gustavus is here to help! Check out these awesome tips to help you relax and get the good night’s rest that you need:

1. The natural rhythms of the rain and ocean waves in this relaxing Spotify playlist is perfect for falling asleep to. Warning: will make eyes heavy. 


2. Melatonin is the natural chemical that our bodies produce to help us fall asleep. You can buy Melatonin supplements at almost any drugstore to help get your body sleeping sooner and more soundly! 

3. Tea anyone? Check out this awesome article that tells you all you need to know about natural tea that helps you sleep. 

4. Sometimes our busy, wandering minds make falling asleep difficult. If you find your mind keeping you awake, try using this guided meditation while you lie in bed- it works wonders. 

5. Since light prevents the production of melatonin (yup, we’re bringing melatonin back to the conversation), it’s important to sleep in a dark environment. Not only should you sleep in a dark environment, but you should also stay clear of blue light emitted from technological devices and other bright lights for 30 minutes before you go to sleep in order to avoid sleep disturbance (yes, this means putting a pause on your Netflix binge and ending your texting conversation with bae). To learn more, click here

With finals coming up it’s easy to prioritize studying and put sleep on the back burner. However, don’t forget the wise words of Arianna Huffington: “I have one piece of advice for you: sleep your way to the top.”


President of Her Campus at Gustavus Senior Communication Studies 2018 TFA Corp Member Collegiate Fellow HGTV enthusiast