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Three ways to start your day feeling empowered

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Guelph chapter.

Do you find it hard to get through the day? Looking for some motivation? Need a little pick me up?

Read this article to find out 3 different ways you can empower yourself each day.

We all have those mornings where we can’t get out of bed, or our outfit doesn’t look as good as we planned it in our heads, or we have an exam that we were up all night stressing about. Everyone has days where they feel like they have no motivation. These 3 tips on how to empower yourself each day will help give you that extra boost of confidence, and motivation you need to conquer the day.

1. Morning Me-Time

Personally, I like to start each day with some me-time. When I wake up I make my morning coffee and sit down to enjoy some sunshine. Then I take the time to pack some food before getting ready for the day. Taking those few minutes to myself and relaxing without my phone makes me feel calm and ready to be social throughout the day.

2. Listen to your favourite playlist

Listening to your favourite uplifting tunes can have a direct impact on your mood. It will make you feel happy and energized to conquer the day. While you are making your lunch, taking your morning shower, or putting on your clothes, put on your favourite playlist and feel free to bust a move!

Some of my favourite pump-up songs are:

  • I’m Every Woman by Whitney Houston

  • Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae

  • Dancing Queen by ABBA

  • One Dance by Drake

3. Have a daily Mantra

Change the way you start your mornings with a daily mantra! Everyday, create a mantra that will help you feel empowered and strong. Repeat it a couple of times and write it down. Today my mantra was “I am loved, I am healthy, I am strong.” Take the time to find an affirmation or mantra that suits you and your personal needs! Place this reminder on your mirror or desk, somewhere where you can see it and refer back to if you need it throughout the day.

If you want some ideas on what your morning mantra can be I have listed some below:

“Choose happy”- This is small and simple, but it helps to remind you that you have the choice to feel a certain way. You own the power of your emotions and attitudes, so choose happy!

“I’ve got this”- Is there something you are dreading to complete throughout the day? This could be an exam or a shift at work or even a hard conversation with a friend. Choose something that you know will be difficult for you to do and repeat “I’ve got this.”

” May I be happy. May I be healthy. May I be loved. May I be creative. May I be at peace.”

​”Today is the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto”- Dale Carnegie

Emily Gibson

Guelph '21

Emily is The University of Guelph's Chapter Marketing and Publicity Director! She is a fourth-year English major who loves spending her time watching movies, writing, and discovering new places. One day she wants to visit Greece to fulfill her Mamma Mia dreams.
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