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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Guelph chapter.

After nearly two months at this university, it started to hit me how soon my exchange semester is going to end. How soon I’ll have to say goodbye to newfound friends, hobbies, places, traditions, favourite spots and classes. This amazing adventure will be over and with that all my hopes and wishes for this experience.  

To be exact I have only 8 weeks / 56 days left to do all things I wanted to do and experience. This realization is scary and important at the same time. It makes me recognize how soon this will be over and that I have to enjoy every day as much as I can. That I should go on adventures every day, try something new, a drink, a meal, an activity. No more evenings with pizza and Netflix. No more boring and superficial conversations. No more repetitions of boring things. 

It’s crazy how soon I crawled into a new comfort zone, even though I’m here in Canada so far out of my usual comfort zone. But I guess with daily routines, habits, obtained friendships and generally getting used to the life here, it’s easy to crawl into a new comfort zone. 

This important realization made me come to the conclusion that I want to use these 56 days to see as much as I can form Canada, go on road trips, cabin trips and hikes, with new and old friends, go to markets, hockey games, movie screenings, book signings, say yes to dinner invitations, concerts, Halloween parties, cooking classes and coffee dates. Just because I have to study for midterms or write assignments, doesn’t mean all the fun has to stop. It doesn’t mean the best time of the exchange semester has to be during the orientation week.


Livia grew up in Switzerland and is currently doing her exchange semester at the University of Guelph. She is a Marketing and Business major in her last year. In her free time you'll find Livia drinking endless amounts of coffee, reading books, cuddling kittens or hiking in the mountains. If you want to read more of Livia's writing, check out her blog www.wonderlifeofliv.wordpress.com
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