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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Guelph chapter.

Winter — it’s definitely the coldest time of the year! If your residence room, bedroom or apartment are generally cold places, it’s absolutely essential to find other ways to stay warm this winter.

1. Warm drinks are the best

They really are. Coffee, hot chocolate, tea — they’re all fantastic ways to stay warm and avoid that perpetual shivery feeling that always seems to accompany wintery weather. Herbal tea can also count towards getting that recommended six glasses of water each day, to help you stay both hydrated, refreshed and cozy.

2. Invest in blankets or extra sweaters

There’s nothing worse than trying to fall asleep at night but you can’t because you’re unable to stop shivering. Blankets are definitely a key part of the solution to this problem. Sweaters, particularly knitted ones created with thick wool, can also help you stay cozy and look incredibly stylish as you travel to campus.

3. Layers are also awesome

Dressing with layers is also a great way to stay warm this winter. Sometimes two sweaters or pairs of socks are definitely necessary to prevent the coldness of the chilly winter wind or snow.

Stay warm Gryphons!


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