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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Guelph chapter.

It’s that time of year again. Snow is falling, the Starbuck’s Holiday menu is out, the radio is playing “Jingle Bells” and you’ve realized that your 2019 New Year’s Resolutions have once again been left unaccomplished. 

It’s a vicious cycle: the end of the year brings new hopes and inspiration. It’s when we break out our fancy calligraphy and write out our goals for the upcoming year, whether that means our fitness goals, our academic goals or anything in between. However, by the middle of January we find it hard to maintain consistency and abandon those goals by the time February rolls around.

Say no more, because by the end of this article you’ll have some tips and tricks to truly change your life around forever.

1. Break up your goals in small chunks

We’re only human and when we don’t see the results we desire right away, we end up feeling discouraged. Have a small goal to achieve by the end of each week or month so you can have smaller accomplishments along the way. Having a more realistic, smaller goal will not only make it easier to attain, but it gives us motivational boosts along the way so we’re fueled to maintain consistency for the long run.

2. Keep a Journal

Keeping a journal is a great way to monitor your progress and log in your thoughts, strengths and difficulties throughout your journey. It can also be a motivational factor as you flip backwards in time and see how far you’ve come. 

3. Vlog your journey

If you’re not a writer, or you don’t want your hand to cramp, then video journaling may be a better option. As silly as it may seem talking to a camera, it’s a great way to verbally acknowledge your progress and your setbacks. Plus, in the future it’d be interesting to look back and see yourself in the past! 

4. Get a buddy

Find a friend who has the same goals as you! Not only is this a great support system, but you each have your own personal motivator to ensure that you’re sticking to your proper habits. Plus, it makes the journey overall more fun & memorable. 

5. Change your lock screen

We’re all guilty of checking our phones first thing in the morning. Set your lock screen to a motivational quote so you’re constantly reminded of the goals you’re achieving. 

6. Write out your goals

Physically writing out your goals makes them seem more real, approachable and attainable. Get out your fancy pens and stick your list on the wall, on your door, in front of your mirror, basically any place that you encounter on a daily basis. Let them serve as a constant reminder nothing is impossible if you remain consistent and work hard. 


Jenny Luu

Guelph '23

Jenny is in her first year at University of Guelph majoring in English and minoring in French. In her free time, she can be found working out, reading, binge watching "Parks & Recreation" or making Tik Toks. She is obsessed with Starbucks and makes it a daily challenge to NOT buy something from there each day.
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