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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Guelph chapter.

Starting a new semester is always a challenge. There is a new schedule to get used to, new places to go, and new clubs to join; not to mention trying to stick to a regular wake up and bedtime schedules again, plus wearing actual clothes instead of pyjamas and fuzzy, oversized slippers around your home. Getting back into the swing of things takes time and effort, but these tips can definitely improve your transition into the current semester.


1.     Take things slowly


I know it is cheesy to think about, but Rome truly wasn’t built in a day. Take your time. Schedule breaks. Ease into things by signing up for one club or volunteer commitment in the beginning, and then you can gradually sign up for more as you feel comfortable and settled. It is wonderful to jump into the brand-new semester with both feet. But easing into things and slowly letting yourself get used to everything will pay off in the long run and help to prevent burnout or feeling overwhelmed.

2. Establish routines


You may find yourself feeling scattered in the first few weeks of the semester, but this is a perfectly natural way to feel. I find that establishing routines as best as you can helps to reduce that strange, scattered feeling while easing the transition between the winter break and the new semester. Your routines and schedules don’t have to be elaborate or complicated; they can even be something as simple as knowing you will wake up at 7 a.m. and eat breakfast at 7:30 a.m., or that you will do your readings or head to a morning exercise session at a specific time of the week. Writing down your routine or schedule can also help you remember and complete it easier.


3. Get plenty of sleep


Not sleeping well will only wear you out. It is crucial to get a full seven to eight hours of sleep per night all the time, but especially in these first few weeks of the winter semester when you are adjusting to new school and work/volunteering schedules. Sleeping properly will also help improve your mood, keep stress levels low and ensure you remember things. Getting proper sleep now is a fantastic way to truly start the semester off on the right foot.

4.  Figure out your semester


Planning out your semester at the beginning of it is also a great idea to help you get a sense of your goals and commitments. Would you like to achieve specific grades in certain classes, or a certain overall average? Is there an organization you’ve been meaning to volunteer for or learn more about? Now is the chance to write those plans down or put them into your phone to help increase the likelihood of you reaching those goals. Writing down when your assignments are due on your calendar or daily planner can also ease stress and help you determine when the busy periods of the semester will be.


Good luck!

Emilie Kelly is the University of Guelph's Chapter Co-Correspondent! She is a Phase 1 OVC student who loves to spend her time with horses, cats, dogs, cows; you name it! (That does indeed make her an Aggie!) You can contact her in French, English, or even Japanese.